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Manoeuvrability in proximity of nautical bottom in the harbour of Delfzijl
Verwilligen, J.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G.; Kamphuis, J.; Meinsma, R.; van der Made, K.J. (2014). Manoeuvrability in proximity of nautical bottom in the harbour of Delfzijl, in: 33rd PIANC World Congress - Navigating the new millenium, San Francisco, June 1 to 5, 2014: papers. pp. [1-18]
In: (2014). 33rd PIANC World Congress - Navigating the new millenium, San Francisco, June 1 to 5, 2014: papers. PIANC: [s.l.]. , more

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Document type: Conference paper

    Harbours and waterways > Manoeuvring behaviour > Nautical bottom
    In-situ measurements
    Nautical bottom
    Physical modelling
Author keywords
    Ports and maritime navigation; Deep-draft navigation and waterways; Delfzijl

Authors  Top 
  • Verwilligen, J., more
  • Vantorre, M., more
  • Delefortrie, G., more
  • Kamphuis, J.
  • Meinsma, R.
  • van der Made, K.J.

    The presence of a mud layer in the port of Delfzijl in the Netherlands implicates a major restriction to the nautical accessibility of the port. At present the maximum drafts for shipping traffic to Delfzijl are limited by a minimum under keel clearance with respect to the top of the mud layer. By order of Groningen Seaports and Wiertsema & Partners, Flanders Hydraulics Research investigated the influence of sailing at very low and even negative under keel clearances (UKC) with respect to the top of the mud layer on the inbound and outbound route to and from the port of Delfzijl, by means of a simulation study on a full mission bridge simulator. During this study, the mud layer characteristics (thickness, density and viscosity) were varied systematically. In order to perform the simulations as realistically as possible, local port pilots experienced with the port of Delfzijl participated in the study.

    The simulations were carried out with a 1700 TEU vessel for which the mathematical manoeuvring models had been derived from a comprehensive captive model test program (cooperation FHR and Ghent University, 2001-2004). During this experimental program the ship behaviour above and in contact with several mud layers had been investigated.

    The simulator study revealed the possibility to work with a nautical bottom which is at a lower level than the top of the mud layer. This opens up the possibility for the port of Delfzijl to receive vessels with a larger draft in the future without the requirement of extra dredging efforts. In order to validate the conclusions from the simulator study, full scale testing of ship manoeuvring was performed on a general cargo vessel sailing outbound from the harbour of Delfzijl. These full scale measurements reveal the influence of a mud layer on the manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel.

    The paper gives a detailed introduction to the examined problem, a summary of the model test setup, simulator study and full scale testing.

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