This platform provides information and knowledge about the Flanders Hydraulics' areas of expertise in 'hydraulics and sediment', 'harbours and waterways', 'hydraulic structures', 'water management' and 'coastal protection' - ranging from Flanders Hydraulics' employees with their expertise, the curriculum of this institution, to publications, projects, data (in the long term) and events in which Flanders Hydraulics is involved.
Bepaling van de coëfficient van Manning in smalle hydraulisch ruwe kanalen
Haesaerts, J. (1998). Bepaling van de coëfficient van Manning in smalle hydraulisch ruwe kanalen. Thesis. Hogeschool Antwerpen. Departement industriële wetenschappen & technologie: Antwerpen. 89 pp.
This final project was made in association with the the 'Flemish Laboratory of Hydraulics ' , which is situated in Borgerhout. The study forms a part of a greater study performed by the WL, which aims at allowing fish to migrate upriver in the region of Flanders. This will be achieved by constructing bypasses near locks and dams . The main purpose of this contribution is to check the feasibility of using fish channels as bypass constructions. First a thorough study was made of the available literature, covering the basic concepts of general hydraulics and dealing with the concept of channel roughness in particular. From those basic concepts the gradually-varied flow equation was derived. By means of basic finite-differential methods this equation was programmed in a spreadsheet in the program Excel. This spreadsheet allows computation of the delivery curve of a channel. A second part of the project consists of a number of experiments, which were executed in association with the WL. The experiments were done on a test channel (scale 111). The aim of the experiments was to increase the channel roughness by changing geometric properties of the test channel. By means of the previously made spreadsheet the obtained experimental data were processed, and the roughness of the various experiments were computed. The results of the experiments demonstrate that fish channels make good bypass constructions.
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