Previous institutes (2) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
- Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Waterwegen en zeekanaal NV; Afdeling Bovenschelde, more
- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur; Vakgroep Civiele Techniek; Afdeling Weg- en Waterbouw (AWW), more
Function: Researcher
Projects (3) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
- GEC's in de Noordzee, nog niet zo GEK! Optimalisatie van een golfenergieconvertor (GEC) voor de zuidelijke-Noordzeecondities, more
- Interregproject POLDER2C's, more
- T0-bepaling dijkvegetatie LL HPP, more
Publications (34) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (8) [show] |
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; Kofoed, J.P.; Frigaard, P.; Kringelum, J.V.; Kromann, P.C.; Donovan, M.H.; De Rouck, J.; De Backer, G. (2011). A methodology for production and cost assessment of a farm of wave energy converters. Renew. Energy 36(12): 3402-3416., more
- Van Paepegem, W.; Blommaert, C.; De Baere, I.; Degrieck, J.; De Backer, G.; De Rouck, J.; Degroote, J.; Vierendeels, J.; Matthys, S.; Taerwe, L. (2011). Slamming wave impact of a composite buoy for wave energy applications: design and large-scale testing. Polym. Compos. 32(5): 700-713., more
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Visch, K.; Kofoed, J.P.; De Backer, G. (2010). Application of the time-dependent mild-slope equations for the simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of Wave Dragon wave energy converters. Renew. Energy 35(8): 1644-1661., more
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Rouck, J. (2010). Numerical implementation and sensitivity analysis of a wave energy converter in a time-dependent mild-slope equation model. Coast. Eng. 57(5): 471-492., more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; Frigaard, P.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J. (2010). Bottom slamming on heaving point absorber wave energy devices. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 15(2): 119-130., more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J.; Frigaard, P. (2010). Power absorption by closely spaced point absorbers in constrained conditions. IET Renew. Power Gener. 4(6): 579-591., more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; Beels, C.; De Pré, J.; Victor, S.; De Rouck, J.; Blommaert, C.; Van Paepegem, W. (2009). Experimental investigation of water impact on axisymmetric bodies. Appl. Ocean Res. 31(3): 143-156., more
- Beels, C.; De Backer, G.; Mathys, P. (2008). Wave energy conversion in a sheltered sea. Sea Technol. 49(9): 21-24, more
Books (2) [show] |
- De Backer, G. (2019). Hedwige-Prosperpolder: ERT-metingen [PRESENTATIE]. Gepresenteerd op de 9e Dijkentrefdag 22/10/2019. Afdeling Geotechniek: Zwijnaarde. 15 slides pp., more
- Peeters, P.; De Backer, G. (2019). Living Lab Hedwige-Prosperproject [PRESENTATIE]. Gepresenteerd op de 9e Dijkentrefdag 22/10/2019. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 14 slides pp., more
Book chapters (8) [show] |
- Alleon, C.; Nerincx, N.; Peeters, P.; De Backer, G.; Sergent, P.; Fauchard, C.; Bennabi, A.; Smaoui, H.; Kaidi, S. (2024).
Risque d'érosion externe des digues maritimes en remblai : principaux résultats du projet Polder2C's, essais grandeur nature, campagnes de reconnaissances et modélisations numériques, in: Colloque Digues 2024 - Systèmes et ouvrages de protection contre les inondations d'origines maritimes et fluviales. État des lieux, avancées, innovations et perspectives, Aix-en-Provence. pp. [1-11]., more
- Troch, P.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J.; De Backer, G. (2010). Wake effects behind a farm of wave energy converters for irregular long-crested and short-crested waves, in: The 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2010), June 30 - July 5, 2010, Shanghai, China: book of papers. pp. 15 pp., more
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Rouck, J.; Versluys, T.; De Backer, G. (2009). Numerical simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of wave energy converters, in: ASME 2009 28th international conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering (OMAE2009)- May 31–June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Volume 4: ocean engineering; ocean renewable energy; ocean space utilization, parts A and B. pp. 1-11., more
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Visch, K.; De Backer, G.; De Rouck, J.; Kofoed, J.P. (2009). Numerical simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of Wave Dragon wave energy converters, in: Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference : EWTEC 2009. pp. 961-972, more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Rouck, J.; Troch, P.; Beels, C.; Van Slycken, J.; Verleysen, P. (2009). Experimental study of bottom slamming on point absorbers using drop tests, in: (2008). 2nd International conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab '08). pp. 497-510, more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; Victor, S.; De Rouck, J.; Beels, C. (2008). Investigation of vertical slamming on point absorbers, in: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Offschore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2008), Estoril, Portugal, 15-20 June, 2008. pp. [1-9], more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; Banasiak, R.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J. (2007). Numerical modelling of wave energy absorption by a floating point absorber system, in: Proceedings of the Seventeenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2007): Held in Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-6, 2007. The Proceedings of the ... International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, : pp. 374-379, more
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Backer, G.; De Rouck, J.; Moan, J.; Falcão, A. (2006). A model to investigate interacting wave power devices, in: International Conference on Ocean Energy, October 2006, Bremerhaven, Germany. pp. 94-101, more
Theses (2) [show] |
- De Backer, G. (2009). Hydrodynamic design optimization of wave energy converters consisting of heaving point absorbers. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen: Gent. ix, 310 pp., more
- De Backer, G. (2004). Golfenergie op het Belgisch Continentaal Plat: droom of werkelijkheid? Analyse van de bestaande golfenergieconvertoren. Ir Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Civiele Techniek: Gent. iv, 129 pp., more
Abstracts (5) [show] |
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Rouck, J. (2009). Wave energy absorption by point absorber arrays, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 37, more
- Van Paepegem, W.; Blommaert, C.; Degrieck, J.; De Backer, G.; De Rouck, J.; Degroote, J.; Vierendeels, J.; Matthys, S.; Taerwe, L. (2009). Slamming wave impact of a composite buoy for wave energy applications: design and large-scale testing, in: Proceedings of the 9th International seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials. pp. 2, more
- De Backer, G.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J. (2008). Waves in the North Sea: powering our future?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 20, more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Rouck, J. (2007). Wave energy extraction in the North Sea by a heaving point absorber, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 28, more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Rouck, J.; Beels, C.; Verhaeghe, H.; Banasiak, R. (2007). Performance of a point absorber heaving with respect to a floating platform, in: [s.d.] 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Porto (Portugal), 11-14 September 2007. pp. 47, more
Other publications (7) [show] |
- Nuri Elgün, S.; De Backer, G.; Bink, J.; Zomer, W.; Peeters, P. (2019). First results of geophysical and geotechnical investigations along the Hedwige- and Prosperpolder dykes. First Break 37: 63-68., more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Beule, K.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J. (2009). Experimental investigation of the validity of linear theory to assess the behaviour of a heaving point absorber at the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: ASME 2009 28th international conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering (OMAE2009)- May 31–June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Volume 4: ocean engineering; ocean renewable energy; ocean space utilization, parts A and B. pp. 1013-1020., more
- De Backer, G.; Beels, C.; Mertens, T.; Victor, L. (2008). Golfenergie: groene stroom uit de zeegolven, in: De Grote Rede 22. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 22: pp. 2-8, more
- De Backer, G.; Beels, C.; De Rouck, J. (2008). Waves in the North Sea: powering our future? Universiteit Gent: Gent. , more
- De Backer, G.; Vantorre, M.; De Rouck, J. (2007). Wave energy extraction in the North Sea by a heaving point absorber. Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
- De Backer, G.; De Rouck, J.; Vantorre, M. (2006). Numerical modelling of wave energy absorption by a floating point absorber system [POSTER], in: 7e UGent - FirW Doctoraatssymposium. pp. 1 poster, more
- De Backer, G.; Mertens, T. (2006). Golfenergie op het Belgisch Continentaal Plat? Het Ingenieursblad 75(5): 44-50, more
Thesis (co-)promotor (2) [show] |