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Hydralab+ ICODEP |
Identifier financieringsorganisatie: WL 16_071 (Other contract id) Hoofdfinancieringscodes: 5114 - Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare werken Periode: Juli 2016 tot Juli 2021 Status: Afgelopen Thesaurustermen Fysische modellen; Golfoverslag; Hydraulische structuren; Kust- en estuariene hydraulica; Kustbescherming; Kustgeografie; Modellering en simulatie; Zeedijken |
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Abstract |
Many coastal communities are protected by systems of natural beaches and flood defence structures. During extreme events the natural and the engineered components of these systems interact with each other. In particular, the beach change during storms can significantly modify the performance of coastal defences. Also, changes occurred in previous storms can affect the response to a new storm that can be potentially more damaging because of this.
The impact of the foreshore evolution on engineered defences is still poorly understood and quantified. ICODEP will address this knowledge gap by providing an insight in the physical processes that are involved in the response of natural/engineered systems to extreme events and will improve the modelling capability of such systems. |
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