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Supervision internship student on SWASH-VEG model development |
Identifier financieringsorganisatie: WL 15_044 (Other contract id) Hoofdfinancieringscodes: 5114 - Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare werken Periode: Juni 2015 tot April 2019 Status: Afgelopen |
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Abstract |
SWASH-VEG, a model to estimate wave dissipation over vegetation field, is developed in the project 00_108 SWASH development for coastal safety. This model in the present release is limited only to calculate wave dissipation by drag force. This model can be extended to calculate also the effect of inertia force by including one extra term in the equation. Furthermore, wave reflection from the vegetation can be also included by introducing porosity. One master student from mathematical engineering in department of computer science from KULeuven will work on those implementation during his internship. Note that the model can be used in a project in COB framework in the near future.
After the internship we created the journal paper draft and submitted to CENG. Now it is under-review. |
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