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Manoeuvring behaviour of push convoys: sub report 8. Additional fast time validation of Class Va and Vb vessels Vos, S.; Delefortrie, G.; Mostaert, F. (2018). Manoeuvring behaviour of push convoys: sub report 8. Additional fast time validation of Class Va and Vb vessels. Versie 2.0. FHR reports, 15_001_8. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VIII, 28 + 20 p. app. pp.
Deel van: FHR reports. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp, meer
Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Simulation Simulations Validation |
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Abstract |
The validation in the report is based on results of standard manoeuvres, performed with fast-time simulations. These simulations have been extended with unsteady turning manoeuvres. Skippers often have to manoeuvre in confined areas. During an approach of a lock or the execution of a turning manoeuvre in a swinging area, the manoeuvring model is often used beyond quadrant I. Sailing ahead with a negative thrust (propeller that runs astern) or sailing astern with a positive thrust are quite common. Because of that it was decided to perform turning manoeuvres in unsteady conditions. Normally a turning manoeuvre is started at a self-propulsion point. Because the speeds are rather small while approaching a lock or executing a turning manoeuvre, small initial negative and positive speeds have been applied for the turning manoeuvres. In several conditions the rate of turn during these unsteady turning manoeuvres wasn’t smooth. A drop of the rate of turn could be noticed. Starting with a negative speed, in some conditions it was not possible to reach a positive speed with the larger rudder angles. This was solved by reducing coefficient FX. By reducing NP, the drop issue of the rate of turn was improved. Additional to the reduction of NP, a few outliers were removed in the tables YPBetaTabel and YPGammaTabel. |
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