This platform provides information and knowledge about the Flanders Hydraulics' areas of expertise in 'hydraulics and sediment', 'harbours and waterways', 'hydraulic structures', 'water management' and 'coastal protection' - ranging from Flanders Hydraulics' employees with their expertise, the curriculum of this institution, to publications, projects, data (in the long term) and events in which Flanders Hydraulics is involved.
Description D. Colella racovitzai, synoniem van Sycozoa gaimardi. Vergroting: x30. Apicaal gebied van een vrouwelijke cormus, dat de ordening van de ascidiozoiden rond de gemeenschappelijke cloacale opening toont. Author E. Van Beneden; M. de Selys LongchampsJPG file - 1.20 MB - 2 160 x 2 497 pixels