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Unité d’Océanographie Chimique (ULG)

English name: Chemical Oceanograpy Unit
Parent institute: Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département d'Astrophysique, Géophysique et Océanographie (ULG-AGO), more

Thesaurus terms (11) : Biogas; Carbon cycle; Carbon dioxide; Chemical oceanography; Education: Formation; Nitrogen cycle; Nutrient cycles; Phosphorus cycle; Research: Environment; Research: Environment (water); Trophic structure
MRG keywords (2) : Biogeochemistry; Mangroves
Quartier Agora
Allée du 6 Août, 19
4000 Liège
 Persons | Publications | Projects | Datasets 
Type: Scientific

Persons (8)  Top | Publications | Projects | Datasets 

Persons formerly associated with this organization (14)

The Chemical Oceanography unit originates from the Oceanology laboratory and became an independent research unit within the department of Astrophysics, Geophysics and Oceanography in 1996. Later, the unit became part of the Freshwater and Oceanic Science Unit of Research (FOCUS). This research entity federates ten laboraties of the University of Liège working on oceanography and limnology and integrates multidisciplinary scientific expertise about aquatic systems. The research group studies biogeochemical cycles in oceans, coastal zones and estuaries, from tropical to polar environments, with an emphasis on greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4, N2O and dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Key events since the establishment of the group include a publication in the renowned journal 'Science' about CO2 emission from European estuaries (Frankignoulle et al., 1998 - Science), a publication on the first synthesis of CO2 fluxes in coastal environments (Borges, 2005 - Estuaries), a publication on the first estimates of gas exchange between sea ice and the atmosphere (Delille et al., 2007 - Limnology and Oceanography) and the first measurements of CO2 fluxes by eddy-covariance on Antarctic sea ice.

Within the marine and estuarine fields, this group performs research on the biogeochemistry of different systems, such as the Scheldt estuary, the Belgian coastal zone, the North Sea, the Bay of Biscay, Iberian coastal upwelling systems, the Mediterranean Sea, mangrove ecosystems, tropical estuaries, sea ice (Arctic and Antarctic) and the Southern Ocean. Biogeochemistry studies are also performed on coccolithophores, Posidonia oceanica meadows and macrophyte coastal habitats. The group also studies the effects of ocean acidification on marine biogeochemistry, the global synthesis of CO2 fluxes in continental shelves and the global synthesis of CO2 and CH4 fluxes in estuaries. In the future, the Chemical Oceanography unit will continue to study greenhouse gases with a particular emphasis on establishing long-term time series.

The research group collaborates with some renowned national and international universities and institutes such as the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, KU Leuven University, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Bordeaux-I (France), the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and the Dalhousie University (Canada). The research group also participates in several marine research projects, such as the European COCOS project (to improve the exchange of datasets between projects), CARBO-OCEAN (concerning an integrated assessment of marine carbon sources and sinks), PEACE (role of pelagic calcification and export of carbonate production in climate change) and the CANOPY project (to assess the potential role of the Southern Bight of the North Sea and the heavily polluted estuarine plumes, as sources or sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide).

Publications (245)  Top | Persons | Projects | Datasets 
    ( 215 peer reviewed ) split up filter
  • Peer reviewed article Frangoulis, C.; Stamataki, N.; Pettas, M.; Michelinakis, S.; King, A.L.; Giannoudi, L.; Tsiaras, K.; Christodoulaki, S.; Seppala, J.; Thyssen, M.; Borges, A.V.; Krasakopoulou, E. (2024). A carbonate system time series in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Two years of high-frequency in-situ observations and remote sensing. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1348161., more
  • Peer reviewed article Chiriboga, G.; Borges, A.V. (2023). Andean headwater and piedmont streams are hot spots of carbon dioxide and methane emissions in the Amazon basin. Commun. Earth Environ. 4(1): 76., more
  • Peer reviewed article de Fouw, J; Holmer, M.; Beca-Carretero, P.; Boström, C.; Brice, J.; Brun, F.G.; Cruijsen, P.M.J.M.; Govers, L.L.; Garmendia, J.M.; Meysick, L.; Pajusalu, L.; Richir, J.; Robroek, B.J.M.; Valle, M.; van der Ven, P.; Eklöf, J.S.; van der Heide, T. (2023). A facultative mutualism facilitates European seagrass meadows. Ecography 2023(5): e06636., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Lemes, M.; Rysgaard, S. (2023). Gas dynamics within landfast sea ice of an Arctic fjord (NE Greenland) during the spring–summer transition. Elem. Sci. Anth. 11(1): 00056., more
  • Peer reviewed article Henley, S.F.; Cozzi, S.; Fripiat, F.; Lannuzel, D.; Nomura, D.; Thomas, D.N.; Meinersg, K.M.; Vancoppenollej, M.; Arrigo, K.; Stefels, J.; van Leeuwe, M.; Moreau, S.; Jones, E.M.; Fransson, A.; Chierici, M.; Delille, B. (2023). Macronutrient biogeochemistry in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: Insights from a circumpolar data compilation. Mar. Chem. 257: 104324., more
  • Peer reviewed article Lannuzel, D.; Fourquez, M.; de Jong, J.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Schoemann, V. (2023). First report on biological iron uptake in the Antarctic sea-ice environment. Polar Biol. 46(4): 339-355., more
  • Peer reviewed article Lebrun, M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Madec, G.; Babin, M.; Bécu, G.; Lourenço, A.; Nomura, D.; Vivier, F.; Delille, B. (2023). Light under Arctic sea ice in observations and earth system models. JGR: Oceans 128(3): e2021JC018161., more
  • Peer reviewed article Nomura, D.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Webb, A.L.; Li, Y.; Dall’Osto, M.; Schmidt, K.; Droste, E.S.; Chamberlain, E.J.; Kolabutin, N.; Shimanchuk, E.; Hoppmann, M.; Gallagher, M.R.; Meyer, H.; Mellat, M.; Bauch, D.; Gabarró, C.; Smith, M.M.; Inoue, J.; Damm, E.; Delille, B. (2023). Meltwater layer dynamics in a central Arctic lead: effects of lead width, re-freezing, and mixing during late summer. Elem. Sci. Anth. 11(1): 00102., more
  • Peer reviewed article Polsenaere, P.; Delille, B.; Poirier, D.; Charbonnier, C.; Deborde, J.; Mouret, A.; Abril, G. (2023). Seasonal, diurnal, and tidal variations of dissolved inorganic carbon and pCO2 in surface waters of a temperate coastal lagoon (Arcachon, SW France). Est. Coast. 46(1): 128-148., more
  • Peer reviewed article Reithmaier, G.M.S.; Cabral, A.; Akhand, A.; Bogard, M.J.; Borges, A.V.; Bouillon, S.; Burdige, D.J.; Call, M.; Chen, N.; Chen, X.; Cotovicz, L.C.; Eagle, M.J.; Kristensen, E.; Kroeger, K.D.; Lu, Z.; Maher, D.T.; Pérez Lloréns, J.L.; Ray, R.; Taillardat, P.; Tamborski, J.J.; Upstill-Goddard, R.C.; Wang, F.; Wang, Z.A.; Xiao, K.; Yau, Y.Y.Y.; Santos, I.R. (2023). Carbonate chemistry and carbon sequestration driven by inorganic carbon outwelling from mangroves and saltmarshes. Nature Comm. 14(1): 8196., more
  • Peer reviewed article Smith, M.M.; Angot, H.; Chamberlain, E.J.; Droste, E.S.; Karam, S.; Muilwijk, M.; Webb, A.L.; Archer, S.D.; Beck, I.; Blomquist, B.W.; Bowman, J.; Boyer, M.; Bozzato, D.; Chierici, M.; Creamean, J.; 'Angelo, A.; Delille, B.; Fer, I.; Fong, A.A.; Fransson, A.; Fuchs, N.; Gardner, J.; Granskog, M.A.; Hoppe, C.J.M.; Hoppema, M.; Hoppmann, M.; Mock, T.; Muller, S.; Muller, O.; Nicolaus, M.; Nomura, D.; Petaja, T.; Salganik, E.; Schmale, J.; Schmidt, K.; Schulz, K.M.; Shupe, M.D.; Stefels, J.; Thielke, L.; Tippenhauer, S.; Ulfsbo, A.; van Leeuwe, M.; Webster, M.; Yoshimura, M.; Zhan, L.Y. (2023). Thin and transient meltwater layers and false bottoms in the Arctic sea ice pack-Recent insights on these historically overlooked features. Elem. Sci. Anth. 11(1): 00025., more
  • Peer reviewed article Stoyneva-Gartner, M.P.; Descy, J.-P.; Uzunov, B.A.; Miladinov, P.; Stefanova, K.; Radkova, M.; Gärtner, G. (2023). Diversity of the summer phytoplankton of 43 waterbodies in Bulgaria and its potential for water quality assessment. Diversity 15(4): 472., more
  • Peer reviewed article Vivier, F.; Lourenço, A.; Michel, E.; Skogseth, R.; Rousset, C.; Lansard, B.; Bouruet-Aubertot, P.; Boutin, J.; Bombled, B.; Cuypers, Y.; Crispi, O.; Dausse, D.; Le Goff, H.; Madec, G.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Van der Linden, F.; Waelbroeck, C. (2023). Summer hydrography and circulation in Storfjorden Svalbard, following a record low winter sea-ice extent in the Barents Sea. JGR: Oceans 128(2): e2022JC018648., more
  • Peer reviewed article Willis, M.D.; Lannuzel, D.; Else, B.; Angot, H.; Campbell, K.; Crabeck, O.; Delille, B.; Hayashida, H.; Lizotte, M.; Loose, B.; Meiners, K.M.; Miller, L.; Moreau, S.; Nomura, D.; Prytherch, J.; Schmale, J.; Steiner, N.; Tedesco, L.; Thomas, J. (2023). Polar oceans and sea ice in a changing climate. Elem. Sci. Anth. 11(1): 00056., more
  • Peer reviewed article Belliard, J.-P.; Hernandez, S.; Temmerman, S.; Suello, R.H.; Dominguez-Granda, L.E.; Rosado-Moncayo, A.M.; Ramos-Veliz, J.A.; Parra-Narera, R.N.; Pollete-Ramirez, K.; Govers, G.; Borges, A.V.; Bouillon, S. (2022). Carbon dynamics and CO2 and CH4 exchange in the mangrove dominated Guayas river delta, Ecuador. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 267: 107766., more
  • Peer reviewed article Desmond, D.S.; Saltymakova, D.; Crabeck, O.; Schreckenbach, G.; Xidos, J.D.; Barber, D.G.; Isleifson, D.; Stern, G.A. (2022). Methods for interpreting the partitioning and fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in a sea ice environment. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126(5): 772-786., more
  • Peer reviewed article Silyakova, A.; Nomura, D.; Kotovitch, M.; Fransson, A.; Delille, B.; Chierici, M.; Granskog, M.A. (2022). Methane release from open leads and new ice following an Arctic winter storm event. Polar Science 33: 100874., more
  • Peer reviewed article Casadevall, M.; Rodríguez-Prieto, C.; Torres, J.; Eira, C.; Marengo, M.; Lejeune, P.; Merciai, R.; Richir, J. (2021). Editorial: marine aquaculture impacts on marine biota. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 615267., more
  • Peer reviewed article Champenois, W.; Borges, A.V. (2021). Net community metabolism of a Posidonia oceanica meadow. Limnol. Oceanogr. 66(6): 2126-2140., more
  • Peer reviewed article Deirmendjian, L.; Descy, J.-P.; Morana, C.; Okello, W.; Stoyneva-Gartner, M.P.; Bouillon, S.; Borges, A.V. (2021). Limnological changes in Lake Victoria since the mid‐20th century. Freshwat. Biol. 66(8): 1630-1647., more
  • Peer reviewed article Deman, F.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Roukaerts, A.; García-Ibáñez, M.I.; Le Roy, E.; Thilakarathne, E.P.D.N.; Elskens, M.; Dehairs, F.; Fripiat, F. (2021). Nitrate supply routes and impact of internal cycling in the North Atlantic Ocean inferred From nitrate isotopic composition. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 35(4): e2020GB006887., more
  • Peer reviewed article Desmond, D.S.; Crabeck, O.; Lemes, M.; Harasyn, M.L.; Mansoori, A.; Saltymakova, D.; Fuller, M.C.; Rysgaard, S.; Barber, D.G.; Isleifson, D.; Stern, G.A. (2021). Investigation into the geometry and distribution of oil inclusions in sea ice using non-destructive X-ray microtomography and its implications for remote sensing and mitigation potential. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 173(Part A): 112996., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Munson, K.M.; Eronen-Rasimus, E.; Kaartokallio, H.; Lemes, M.; Wang, F.; Rysgaard, S.; Delille, B. (2021). Landfast sea ice in the Bothnian Bay (Baltic Sea) as a temporary storage compartment for greenhouse gases. Elem. Sci. Anth. 9(1): 28., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gress, E.; Eeckhaut, I.; Godefroid, M.; Dubois, P.; Richir, J.; Terrana, L. (2021). Investigation into the presence of Symbiodiniaceae in antipatharians (black corals). Oceans 2(4): 772-784., more
  • Peer reviewed article Jacques, C.; Sapart, C.J.; Fripiat, F.; Carnat, G.; Zhou, J.; Delille, B.; Röckmann, T.; van der Veen, C.; Niemann, H.; Haskell, T.; Tison, J.-L. (2021). Sources and sinks of methane in sea ice: insights from stable isotopes. Elem. Sci. Anth. 9(1): 00167., more
  • Peer reviewed article Richir, J.; Champenois, W.; de Fouw, J.; Borges, A.V. (2021). Dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfoxide in Posidonia oceanica. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 168(11): 159., more
  • Peer reviewed article Richir, J.; Bray, S.; McAleese, T.; Watson, G.J. (2021). Data on elemental concentrations in marine sediments from the South and South West of England. Data in Brief 35: 106901., more
  • Peer reviewed article Richir, J.; Bray, S.; McAleese, T.; Watson, G.J. (2021). Three decades of trace element sediment contamination: the mining of governmental databases and the need to address hidden sources for clean and healthy seas. Environ. Int. 149: 106362., more
  • Peer reviewed article Roland, F.A.E.; Borges, A.V.; Darchambeau, F.; Llirós, M.; Descy, J.-P.; Morana, C. (2021). The possible occurrence of iron-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation in an Archean Ocean analogue. NPG Scientific Reports 11(1): 1597., more
  • Peer reviewed article Rosentreter, J.A.; Borges, A.V.; Deemer, B.R.; Holgerson, M.A.; Liu, S.; Song, C.; Melack, J.; Raymond, P.A.; Duarte, C.M.; Allen, G.H.; Olefeldt, D.; Poulter, B.; Battin, T.I.; Eyre, B.D. (2021). Half of global methane emissions come from highly variable aquatic ecosystem sources. Nature Geoscience 14(4): 225-230., more
  • Peer reviewed article Royer, C.; Borges, A.V.; Martin, J.L.; Gypens, N. (2021). Drivers of the variability of dimethylsulfonioproprionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in the Southern North Sea. Cont. Shelf Res. 216: 104360., more
  • Peer reviewed article Thomas, M.; France, J.; Crabeck, O.; Hall, B.; Hof, V.; Notz, D.; Rampai, T.; Riemenschneider, L.; Tooth, O.J.; Tranter, M.; Kaiser, J. (2021). The Roland von Glasow Air-Sea-Ice Chamber (RvG-ASIC): an experimental facility for studying ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interactions. AMT 14(3): 1833-1849., more
  • Peer reviewed article Ackley, S.F.; Stammerjohn, S.; Maksym, T.; Smith, M.; Cassano, J.; Guest, P.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Loose, B.; Sedwick, P.; DePace, L.; Roach, L.; Parno, J. (2020). Sea-ice production and air/ice/ocean/biogeochemistry interactions in the Ross Sea during the PIPERS 2017 autumn field campaign. Ann. Glaciol. 61(82): 181-195., more
  • Peer reviewed article Boutahar, L.; Espinosa, F.; Richir, J.; Lepoint, G.; Gobert, S.; Maanan, M.; Bazairi, H. (2020). Deep-water Zostera marina meadows in the Mediterranean. Aquat. Bot. 166: 103269., more
  • Peer reviewed article Casadevall, M.; Rodríguez-Prieto, C.; Pueyo, J.; Martí, C.; Merciai, R.; Verlaque, M.; Real, E.; Torres, J.; Richir, J. (2020). The strange case of tough white seabream (Diplodus sargus, Teleostei: Sparidae): a first approach to the extent of the phenomenon in the Mediterranean. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 387., more
  • Peer reviewed article Desmit, X.; Nohe, A.; Borges, A.V.; Prins, T.; De Cauwer, K.; Lagring, R.; Van der Zande, D.; Sabbe, K. (2020). Changes in chlorophyll concentration and phenology in the North Sea in relation to de-eutrophication and sea surface warming. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65(4): 828-847., more
  • Peer reviewed article Fullgrabe, L.; Grosjean, P.; Gobert, S.; Lejeune, P.; Leduc, M.; Engels, G.; Dauby, P.; Boissery, P.; Richir, J. (2020). Zooplankton dynamics in a changing environment: a 13-year survey in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Mar. Environ. Res. 159: 104962., more
  • Peer reviewed article Ghribi, F.; Richir, J.; Bejaoui, S.; Boussoufa, D.; Marengo, M.; El Cafsi, M.; Gobert, S. (2020). Trace elements and oxidative stress in the Ark shell Arca noae from a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Bizerte lagoon, Tunisia): are there health risks associated with their consumption? Environm. Sc. & Poll. Res. 27: 15607-15623., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gobert, S.; Lefebvre, L.; Boissery, P.; Richir, J. (2020). A non-destructive method to assess the status of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Ecol. Indic. 119: 106838., more
  • Peer reviewed article Lannuzel, Delphine; Tedesco, Letizia; van Leeuwe, Maria; Campbell, Karley; Flores, Hauke; Delille, Bruno; Miller, Lisa; Stefels, Jacqueline; Assmy, Philipp; Bowman, Jeff; Brown, Kristina; Castellani, Giulia; Chierici, Melissa; Crabeck, Odile; Damm, Ellen; Else, Brent; Fransson, Agneta; Fripiat, François; Geilfus, Nicolas-Xavier; Jacques, Caroline; Jones, Elizabeth; Kaartokallio, Hermanni; Kotovitch, Marie; Meiners, Klaus; Moreau, Sébastien; Nomura, Daiki; Peeken, Ilka; Rintala, Janne-Markus; Steiner, Nadja; Tison, Jean-Louis; Vancoppenolle, Martin; Van der Linden, Fanny; Vichi, Marcello; Wongpan, Pat (2020). The future of Arctic sea-ice biogeochemistry and ice-associated ecosystems. Nat. Clim. Chang. 10(11): 983-992., more
  • Peer reviewed article Richir, J.; Champenois, W.; Engels, G.; Abadie, A.; Gobert, S.; Lepoint, G.; Silva, J.; Santos, R.; Sirjacobs, D.; Borges, A.V. (2020). A 15-month survey of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfoxide content in Posidonia oceanica. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7: 510., more
  • Peer reviewed article Richir, J.; Bouillon, S.; Gobert, S.; Skov, M.W.; Borges, A.V. (2020). Editorial: structure, functioning and conservation of coastal vegetated wetlands. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8: 134., more
  • Peer reviewed article Stoyneva-Gartner, M.P.; Uzunov, B.A.; Descy, J.-P.; Gärtner, G.; Draganova, P.H.; Borisova, C.I.; Pavlova, V.; Mitreva, M. (2020). Pilot application of drone observations and pigment marker detection by HPLC in studies of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Bulgarian inland waters. Mar. Freshw. Res. 71(5): 606-616., more
  • Peer reviewed article Stoyneva-Gartner, M.P.; Morana, C.; Borges, A.V.; Okello, W.; Bouillon, S.; Deirmendjian, L.; Lambert, T.; Roland, F.A.E.; Nankabirwa, A.; Nabafu, E.; Darchambeau, F.; Descy, J.-P. (2020). Diversity and ecology of phytoplankton in Lake Edward (East Africa): Present status and long-term changes. J. Great Lakes Res. 46(4): 741-751., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tison, J.-L.; Maksym, T.; Fraser, A.D.; Corkill, M.; Kimura, N.; Nosaka, Y.; Nomura, D.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Ackley, S.; Stammerjohn, S.; Wauthy, S.; Van der Linden, F.; Carnat, G.; Sapart, C.; de Jong, J.; Fripiat, F.; Delille, B. (2020). Physical and biological properties of early winter Antarctic sea ice in the Ross Sea. Ann. Glaciol. 61(83): 241-259., more
  • Peer reviewed article Van der Linden, F.C.; Tison, J.-L.; Champenois, W.; Moreau, S.; Carnat, G.; Kotovitch, M.; Fripiat, F.; Deman, F.; Roukaerts, A.; Dehairs, F.; Wauthy, S.; Lourenço, A.; Vivier, F.; Haskell, T.; Delille, B. (2020). Sea ice CO2 dynamics across seasons: impact of processes at the interfaces. JGR: Oceans 125(6): e2019JC015807., more
  • Peer reviewed article Wilson, S.T.; Al-Haj, A.N.; Bourbonnais, A.; Frey, C.; Fulweiler, R.W.; Kessler, J.D.; Marchant, H.K.; Milucka, J.; Ray, N.E.; Suntharalingam, P.; Thornton, B.F.; Upstill-Goddard, R.C.; Weber, T.S.; Arevalo-Martinez, D.L.; Bange, H.W.; Benway, H.M.; Bianchi, D.; Borges, A.V.; Chang, B.X.; Crill, P.M.; del Valle, D.A.; Farias, L.; Joye, S.B.; Kock, A.; Labidi, J.; Manning, C.C.; Pohlman, J.W.; Rehder, G.; Sparrow, K.J.; Tortell, P.D.; Treude, T.; Valentine, D.L.; Ward, B.B.; Yang, S.; Yurganov, L.N. (2020). Ideas and perspectives: a strategic assessment of methane and nitrous oxide measurements in the marine environment. Biogeosciences 17(22): 5809-5828., more
  • Peer reviewed article Wittek, B.; Carnat, G.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Gypens, N. (2020). Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas variations arising from sea ice shifts of salinity and temperature in the Prymnesiophyceae Phaeocystis antarctica. Environ. Chem. 17(7): 509-523., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abadie, A.; Richir, J.; Lejeune, P.; Leduc, M.; Gobert, S. (2019). Structural changes of seagrass seascapes driven by natural and anthropogenic factors: a multidisciplinary approach. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7: 190., more
  • Peer reviewed article Boutahar, L.; Maanan, M.; Bououarour, O.; Richir, J.; Pouzet, P.; Gobert, S.; Maanan, M.; Zourarah, B.; Benhoussa, A.; Bazairi, H. (2019). Biomonitoring environmental status in semi-enclosed coastal ecosystems using Zostera noltei meadows. Ecol. Indic. 104: 776-793., more
  • Peer reviewed article Champenois, W.; Borges, A.V. (2019). Inter-annual variations over a decade of primary production of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Limnol. Oceanogr. 64(1): 32-45., more
  • Peer reviewed article Champenois, W.; Borges, A.V. (2019). Determination of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfoxide in Posidonia oceanica leaf tissue. Methodsx 6: 56-62., more
  • Peer reviewed article Crabeck, O.; Galley, R.J.; Mercury, L.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Rysgaard, S. (2019). Evidence of freezing pressure in sea ice discrete brine inclusions and its impact on aqueous-gaseous equilibrium. JGR: Oceans 124(3): 1660-1678., more
  • Peer reviewed article Rouabhi, Y.L.; Grosjean, P.; Boutiba, Z.; Rouane Hacene, O.; Richir, J. (2019). Reproductive cycle and follicle cleaning process of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from a polluted coastal site in Algeria. Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. 63(4): 255-267., more
  • Peer reviewed article Smith, G.C.; Allard, R.; Babin, M.; Bertino, L.; Chevallier, M.; Corlett, G.; Crout, J.; Davidson, F.; Delille, B.; Gille, S.T.; Hebert, D.; Hyder, P.; Intrieri, J.; Lagunas, J.; Larnicol, G.; Kaminski, T.; Kater, B.; Kauker, F.; Marec, C.; Mazloff, M.; Metzger, E.J.; Mordy, C.; O'Carroll, A.; Olsen, S.; Phelps, M.; Posey, P.; Prandi, P.; Rehm, E.; Reid, P.; Rigor, I.; Sandven, S.; Shupe, M.; Swart, S.; Smedstad, O.M.; Solomon, A.; Storto, A.; Thibaut, P.; Toole, J.; Wood, K.; Xie, J.; Yang, Q.; WWRP PPP Steering Group (2019). Polar ocean observations: a critical gap in the observing system and its effect on environmental predictions from hours to a season. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 429., more
  • Peer reviewed article Speeckaert, G.; Borges, A.V.; Gypens, N. (2019). Salinity and growth effects on dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas of Skeletonema costatum, Phaeocystis globosa and Heterocapsa triquetra. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 226: 106275., more
  • Peer reviewed article Swart, S.; Gille, S.T.; Delille, B.; Josey, S.; Mazloff, M.; Newman, L.; Thompson, A.F.; Thomson, J.; Ward, B.; du Plessis, M.D.; Kent, E.C.; Girton, J.; Gregor, L.; Heil, P.; Hyder, P.; Pezzi, L.P.; de Souza, R.B.; Tamsitt, V.; Weller, R.A.; Zappa, C.J. (2019). Constraining Southern Ocean air-sea-ice fluxes through enhanced observations. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 421., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Speeckaert, G.; Champenois, W.; Scranton, M.I.; Gypens, N. (2018). Productivity and temperature as drivers of seasonal and spatial variations of dissolved methane in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Ecosystems 21(4): 583-599., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Abril, G.; Bouillon, S. (2018). Carbon dynamics and CO2 and CH4 outgassing in the Mekong delta. Biogeosciences 15(4): 1093-1114., more
  • Peer reviewed article Descy, J.-P.; Stoyneva-Gartner, M.P.; Uzunov, B.A.; Dimitrova, P.H.; Pavlova, V.T.; Gärtner, G. (2018). Studies on cyanoprokaryotes of the water bodies along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (1890-2017): a review, with special reference to new, rare and harmful taxa. Acta Zool. Bulg. Supplement 11: 43-52, more
  • Peer reviewed article Luhtanen, A.-M.; Eronen-Rasimus, E.; Oksanen, H.M.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Rintala, J.-M.; Bamford, D.H. (2018). The first known virus isolates from Antarctic sea ice have complex infection patterns. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 94(4): 15., more
  • Peer reviewed article Meiners, K.M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Carnat, G.; Castellani, G.; Delille, B.; Delille, D.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Flores, H.; Fripiat, F.; Grotti, M.; Lange, B.A.; Lannuzel, D.; Martin, A.; McMinn, A.; Nomura, D.; Peeken, I.; Rivaro, P.; Ryan, K.G.; Stefels, J.; Swadling, K.M.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; Van der Merwe, P.; Van Leeuwe, M.A.; Weldrick, C.; Yang, E.J. (2018). Chlorophyll-a in Antarctic landfast sea ice: a first synthesis of historical ice core data. JGR: Oceans 123(11): 8444-8459., more
  • Peer reviewed article Nomura, D.; Granskog, M.A.; Fransson, A.; Chierici, M.; Silyakova, A.; Ohshima, K.I.; Cohen, L.; Delille, B.; Dieckmann, G.S. (2018). CO2 flux over young and snow-covered Arctic pack ice in winter and spring. Biogeosciences 15(11): 3331-3343., more
  • Peer reviewed article Speeckaert, G.; Borges, A.V.; Champenois, W.; Royer, C.; Gypens, N. (2018). Annual cycle of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) related to phytoplankton succession in the Southern North Sea. Sci. Total Environ. 622-623: 362-372., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tseng, H.-C.; Newton, A.; Chen, C.-T.A.; Borges, A.V.; DelValls, T.A. (2018). Social-environmental analysis of methane in the South China Sea and bordering countries. Anthropocene Coasts 1(1): 62-88., more
  • Peer reviewed article Wilson, S.T.; Bange, H.W.; Arevalo-Martinez, D.L.; Barnes, J.; Borges, A.V.; Brown, I.; Bullister, J.L.; Burgos, M.; Capelle, D.W.; Casso, M.; de la Paz, M.; Farias, L.; Fenwick, L.; Ferrón, S.; Garcia, G.; Glockzin, M.; Karl, D.M.; Kock, A.; Laperriere, S.; Law, C.S.; Manning, C.C.; Marriner, A.; Myllykangas, J.-P.; Pohlman, J.W.; Rees, A.P.; Santoro, A.E.; Tortell, P.D.; Upstill-Goddard, R.C.; Wisegarver, D.P.; Zhang, G.-L.; Rehder, G. (2018). An intercomparison of oceanic methane and nitrous oxide measurements. Biogeosciences 15(19): 5891-5907., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abadie, A.; Borges, A.V.; Champenois, W.; Gobert, S. (2017). Natural patches in Posidonia oceanica meadows: the seasonal biogeochemical pore water characteristics of two edge types. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 164(8): 166., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Champenois, W. (2017). Preservation protocol for dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfoxide analysis in plant material of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica, and re-evaluation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate leaf content. Aquat. Bot. 143: 8-10., more
  • Peer reviewed article Eronen-Rasimus, E.; Luhtanen, A.-M.; Rintala, J.-M.; Delille, B.; Dieckmann, G.; Karkman, A.; Tison, J.-L. (2017). An active bacterial community linked to high chl-a concentrations in Antarctic winter-pack ice and evidence for the development of an anaerobic sea-ice bacterial community. ISME J. 11(10): 2345-2355., more
  • Peer reviewed article Fripiat, F.; Meiners, K.M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Papadimitriou, S.; Thomas, D.N.; Ackley, S.F.; Arrigo, K.R.; Carnat, G.; Cozzi, S.; Delille, B.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Dunbar, R.B.; Fransson, A.; Kattner, G.; Kennedy, H.; Lannuzel, D.; Munro, D.R.; Nomura, D.; Rintala, J.-M.; Schoemann, V.; Stefels, J.; Steiner, N.; Tison, J.-L. (2017). Macro-nutrient concentrations in Antarctic pack ice: overall patterns and overlooked processes. Elem. Sci. Anth. 5: 13., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Sallon, A.; Maugendre, L.; Louis, J.; Dellisanti, W.; Gaubert, M.; Lejeune, P.; Gobert, S.; Borges, A.V.; Harlay, J.; Champenois, W.; Alliouane, S.; Taillandier, V.; Louis, F.; Obolensky, G.; Grisoni, J.-M.; Guieu, C. (2017). First mesocosm experiments to study the impacts of ocean acidification on plankton communities in the NW Mediterranean Sea (MedSeA project). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 186(Part A): 11-29., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gypens, N.; Borges, A.V.; Ghyoot, C. (2017). How phosphorus limitation can control climate-active gas sources and sinks. J. Mar. Syst. 170: 42-49., more
  • Peer reviewed article Laruelle, G.G.; Landschützer, P.; Gruber, N.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Regnier, P. (2017). Global high-resolution monthly pCO2 climatology for the coastal ocean derived from neural network interpolation. Biogeosciences 14(19): 4545-4561., more
  • Peer reviewed article Michiels, C.C.; Darchambeau, F.; Roland, F.A.E.; Morana, C.; Llirós, M.; García-Armisen, T.; Thamdrup, B.; Borges, A.V.; Canfield, D.E.; Servais, P.; Descy, J.-P.; Crowe, S.A. (2017). Iron-dependent nitrogen cycling in a ferruginous lake and the nutrient status of Proterozoic oceans. Nature Geoscience 10(3): 217-221., more
  • Peer reviewed article Remy, F.; Darchambeau, F.; Melchior, A.; Lepoint, G. (2017). Impact of food type on respiration, fractionation and turnover of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in the marine amphipod Gammarus aequicauda (Martynov, 1931). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 486: 358-367., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tison, J.-L.; Schwegmann, S.; Dieckmann, G.; Rintala, J.-M.; Meyer, H.; Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Nomura, D.; Engberg, S.; Blomster, L.J.; Hendrickx, S.; Uhlig, C.; Luhtanen, A.-M.; de Jong, J.; Janssens, J.; Carnat, G.; Zhou, J.; Delille, B. (2017). Biogeochemical impact of snow cover and cyclonic intrusions on the winter Weddell Sea ice pack. JGR: Oceans 122(12): 9548-9571., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tseng, H.-C.; Chen, C.-T.A.; Borges, A.V.; DelValls, T.A.; Chang, Y.-C. (2017). Methane in the South China Sea and the Western Philippine Sea. Cont. Shelf Res. 135: 23-34., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V; Champenois, W.; Gypens, N.; Delille, B.; Harlay, J. (2016). Massive marine methane emissions from near-shore shallow coastal areas. NPG Scientific Reports 6(27908): 8 pp., more
  • Peer reviewed article Carnat, G.; Brabant, F.; Dumont, I.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Ackley, S.F.; Fritsen, C.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L. (2016). Influence of short-term synoptic events and snow depth on DMS, DMSP, and DMSO dynamics in Antarctic spring sea ice. Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 000135., more
  • Peer reviewed article Crabeck, O.; Galley, R.; Delille, B.; Else, B.; Geilfus, N.-X.; Lemes, M.; Des Roches, M.; Francus, P.; Tison, J.-L.; Rysgaard, S. (2016). Imaging air volume fraction in sea ice using non-destructive X-ray tomography. Cryosphere 10(3): 1125-1145., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Galley, R.J.; Else, B.G.T.; Campbell, K.; Papakyriakou, T.; Crabeck, O.; Lemes, M.; Delille, B.; Rysgaard, S. (2016). Estimates of ikaite export from sea ice to the underlying seawater in a sea ice-seawater mesocosm. Cryosphere 10(5): 2173-2189., more
  • Peer reviewed article Janssens, J.; Meiners, K.M.; Tison, J.-L.; Dieckmann, G.; Delille, B.; Lannuzel, D. (2016). Incorporation of iron and organic matter into young Antarctic sea ice during its initial growth stages. Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 123., more
  • Peer reviewed article Kotovitch, M.; Moreau, S.; Zhou, J.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Evers, K.-U.; Van der Linden, F.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2016). Air-ice carbon pathways inferred from a sea ice tank experiment. Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 000112., more
  • Peer reviewed article Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Bopp, L.; Aumont, O.; Madec, G.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Barriat, P.-Y.; Goosse, H. (2016). Assessment of the sea-ice carbon pump: insights from a three-dimensional ocean-sea-ice biogeochemical model (NEMO-LIM-PISCES). Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 122., more
  • Peer reviewed article Salt, S.; Thomas, H.; Bozec, Y.; Borges, A.V.; de Baar, H.J.W (2016). The internal consistency of the North Sea carbonate system. J. Mar. Syst. 157: 52-64., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tseng, H.-C.; Chen, C.-T.A.; Borges, A.V.; DelValls, T.A.; Lai, C.-M.; Chen, T.-Y. (2016). Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of nitrous oxide in the South China Sea and the West Philippines Sea. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 115: 131-144., more
  • Peer reviewed article Zhou, J.; Kotovitch, M.; Kaartokallio, H.; Moreau, S.; Tison, J.-L.; Kattner, G.; Dieckmann, G.; Thomas, D.N.; Delille, B. (2016). The impact of dissolved organic carbon and bacterial respiration on pCO2 in experimental sea ice. Prog. Oceanogr. 141: 153-167., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Champenois, W. (2015). Seasonal and spatial variability of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Aquat. Bot. 125: 72-79., more
  • Peer reviewed article Felisberto, P; Jesus, M; Zabel, F; Santos, R; Silva, J; Gobert, S.; Beer, S; Bjork, M; Mazzuca, S; Procaccini, G; Runcie, W; Champenois, W.; Borges, A.V. (2015). Acoustic monitoring of O2 production of a seagrass meadow. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 464: 75-87., more
  • Peer reviewed article Grégoire, M.; Levy, M; Marra, J; Borges, A.V.; Brasseur, P (2015). The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale. The 45th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, May 13-17, 2013: preface. J. Mar. Syst. 147: 1-2., more
  • Peer reviewed article Hagens, M.; Slomp, C.P.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Seitaj, D.; Harlay, J.; Borges, A.V.; Middelburg, J.J. (2015). Biogeochemical processes and buffering capacity concurrently affect acidification in a seasonally hypoxic coastal marine basin. Biogeosciences 12(5): 1561-1583., more
  • Peer reviewed article Miller, L.A.; Fripiat, F.; Else, B.G.T.; Bowman, J.S.; Brown, K.A.; Collins, R.E.; Ewert, M.; Fransson, A.; Gosselin, M.; Lannuzel, D.; Meiners, K.M.; Michel, C.; Nishioka, J.; Nomura, D.; Papadimitriou, S.; Russell, L.M.; Sorensen, L.L.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; van Leeuwe, M.A.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Wolff, E.W.; Zhou, J. (2015). Methods for biogeochemical studies of sea ice: the state of the art, caveats, and recommendations. Elem. Sci. Anth. 3: 000038., more
  • Peer reviewed article Moreau, S.; Kaartokallio, H.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Zhou, J.; Kotovitch, M.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2015). Assessing the O2 budget under sea ice: an experimental and modelling approach. Elem. Sci. Anth. 3: 1-11., more
  • Peer reviewed article Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Zhou, J.; Kotovitch, M.; Thomas, N; Geilfus, X; Goosse, H. (2015). Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice: a model study. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans(120): 471-495., more
  • Peer reviewed article Carnat, G.; Zhou, J.; Papakyriakou, T.; Delille, B.; Goossens, T.; Haskell, T.; Schoemann, V.; Fripiat, F.; Rintala, J.-M.; Tison, J.-L. (2014). Physical and biological controls on DMS,P dynamics in ice shelf-influenced fast ice during a winter-spring and a spring-summer transitions. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans(119): 2882-2905., more
  • Peer reviewed article Crabeck, O; Delille, B.; Rysgaard, S; Thomas, N; Geilfus, X; Else, B; Tison, J.-L. (2014). First “in situ” determination of gas transport coefficients ( DO2, DAr, and DN2) from bulk gas concentration measurements (O2, N2, Ar) in natural sea ice. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans(119): 6655-6668., more
  • Peer reviewed article Crabeck, O; Delille, B.; Thomas, D; Geilfus, N.-X.; Rysgaard, S; Tison, J.-L. (2014). CO2 and CH4 in sea ice from a subarctic fjord under influence of riverine input. Biogeosciences 11(23): 6525-6538., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, B.; Vancoppenolle, M; Geilfus, X; Tilbrook, B; Lannuzel, D; Schoemann, V.; Becquevort, S.; Carnat, G.; Delille, D; Lancelot, C.; Chou, L.; Dieckmann, S; Tison, J.-L. (2014). Southern Ocean CO2 sink: the contribution of the sea ice. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans(119): 6340-6355., more
  • Peer reviewed article Fripiat, F.; Tison, J.-L.; André, L.; Notz, D; Delille, B. (2014). Biogenic silica recycling in sea ice inferred from Si-isotopes: constraints from Arctic winter first-year sea ice. Biogeochemistry 119(1-3): 25-33., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Tison, J.-L.; Ackley, F; Galley, J; Rysgaard, S; Miller, A; Delille, B. (2014). Sea ice pCO2 dynamics and air-ice CO2 fluxes during the Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA) experiment - Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. Cryosphere 8(6): 2395-2407., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gypens, N.; Borges, A.V.; Speeckaert, G.; Lancelot, C. (2014). The Dimethylsulfide Cycle in the Eutrophied Southern North Sea: A Model Study Integrating Phytoplankton and Bacterial Processes. PLoS One 9(1): 15 pp., more
  • Peer reviewed article Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Zhou, J.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Goosse, H. (2014). Modelling argon dynamics in first-year sea ice. Ocean Modelling 73: 1-18., more
  • Peer reviewed article Zhou, J.; Delille, B.; Brabant, F.; Tison, J.-L. (2014). Insights into oxygen transport and net community production in sea ice from oxygen, nitrogen and argon concentrations. Biogeosciences 11(18): 5007-5020., more
  • Peer reviewed article Zhou, J.; Tison, J.-L.; Carnat, G.; Geilfus, X; Delille, B. (2014). Physical controls on the storage of methane in landfast sea ice. Cryosphere 8(3): 1019-1029., more
  • Peer reviewed article Zhou, J.; Delille, B.; Kaartokallio, H; Kattner, G; Kuosa, H; Tison, J.-L.; Autio, R; Dieckmann, S; Evers, U; Jorgensen, L; Kennedy, H; Kotovitch, M.; Luhtanen, M; Stedmon, A; Thomas, N (2014). Physical and bacterial controls on inorganic nutrients and dissolved organic carbon during a sea ice growth and decay experiment. Mar. Chem. 166: 59-69., more
  • Peer reviewed article Carnat, G.; Papakyriakou, T.; Geilfus, N.X.; Brabant, F.; Delille, B.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Gilson, G.; Zhou, J.; Tison, J.-L. (2013). Investigations on physical and textural properties of Arctic first-year sea ice in the Amundsen Gulf, Canada, November 2007-June 2008 (IPY-CFL system study). J. Glaciol. 59(217): 819-837., more
  • Peer reviewed article Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S.; Woule-Ebongué, V.; Planchon, F.; Delille, B.; Bouloubassi, I. (2013). Water column distribution and carbon isotopic signal of cholesterol, brassicasterol and particulate organic carbon in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences 10(4): 2787-2801., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Carnat, G.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Halden, N.; Nehrke, G.; Papakyriakou, T.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2013). First estimates of the contribution of CaCO3 precipitation to the release of CO2 to the atmosphere during young sea ice growth. J. Geophys. Res. 118(1): 244-255., more
  • Peer reviewed article Grégoire, M.; Anderson, B.; Delille, B.; Jeandel, C.; Speich, S. (2013). Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts: the 43rd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, May 2-6, 2011 A joint Liège Colloquium - Geotraces-BONUS-GoodHope meeting. J. Mar. Syst. 126: 1-2., more
  • Peer reviewed article Kaartokallio, H.; Sogaard, D.H.; Norman, L.; Rysgaard, S.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Thomas, D.N. (2013). Short-term variability in bacterial abundance, cell properties, and incorporation of leucine and thymidine in subarctic sea ice. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 71(1): 57-73., more
  • Peer reviewed article Lannuzel, D.; Schoemann, V.; Dumont, I.; Content, M.; de Jong, J.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Becquevort, S. (2013). Effect of melting Antarctic sea ice on the fate of microbial communities studied in microcosms. Polar Biol. 36(10): 1483-1497., more
  • Peer reviewed article Mazzuca, S.; Bjork, M.; Beer, S.; Felisberto, P.; Gobert, S.; Procaccini, G.; Runcie, J.; Silva, J.; Borges, A.V.; Brunet, C.; Buapet, P.; Champenois, W.; Costa, M.; D'Esposito, D.; Gullstrom, M.; Lejeune, P.; Lepoint, G.; Olive, I.; Rasmusson, M.; Richir, J.; Ruocco, M.; Serra, I.; Spadafora, A.; Santos, R. (2013). Establishing research strategies, methodologies and technologies to link genomics and proteomics to seagrass productivity, community metabolism, and ecosystem carbon fluxes. Front. Plant Sci. 4., more
  • Peer reviewed article Pfeil, B.; Olsen, A.; Bakker, D.C.E.; Hankin, S.; Koyuk, H.; Kozyr, A.; Malczyk, J.; Manke, A.; Metzl, N.; Sabine, C.L.; Akl, J.; Alin, S.R.; Bates, N.; Bellerby, R.G.J.; Borges, A.V.; Boutin, J.; Brown, P.J.; Cai, W.-J.; Chavez, F.P.; Chen, A.; Cosca, C.; Fassbender, A.J.; Feely, R.A.; González-Dávila, M.; Goyet, C.; Hales, B.; Hardman-Mountford, N.; Heinze, C.; Hood, M.; Hoppema, M.; Hunt, C.W.; Hydes, D.; Ishii, M.; Johannessen, T.; Jones, S.D.; Key, R.M.; Körtzinger, A.; Landschützer, P.; Lauvset, S.K.; Lefèvre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lourantou, A.; Merlivat, L.; Midorikawa, T.; Mintrop, L.; Miyazaki, C.; Murata, A.; Nakadate, A.; Nakano, Y.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Omar, A.M.; Padin, X.A.; Park, G.-H.; Paterson, K.; Perez, F.F.; Pierrot, D.; Poisson, A.; Ríos, A.F.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Salisbury, J.; Sarma, V.V.S.S.; Schlitzer, R.; Schneider, B.; Schuster, U.; Sieger, R.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Suzuki, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tedesco, K.; Telszewski, M.; Thomas, H.; Tilbrook, B.; Tjiputra, J.; Vandemark, D.; Veness, T.; Wanninkhof, R.; Watson, A.J.; Weiss, R.; Wong, C.S.; Yoshikawa-Inoue, H. (2013). A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT). ESSD 5(1): 125-143., more
  • Peer reviewed article Sabine, C.L.; Hankin, S.; Koyuk, H.; Bakker, D.C.E.; Pfeil, B.; Olsen, A.; Metzl, N.; Kozyr, A.; Fassbender, A.; Manke, A.; Malczyk, J.; Akl, J.; Alin, S.R.; Bellerby, R.G.J.; Borges, A.V.; Boutin, J.; Brown, P.J.; Cai, W.-J.; Chavez, F.P.; Chen, A.; Cosca, C.; Feely, R.A.; González-Dávila, M.; Goyet, C.; Hardman-Mountford , N.; Heinze, C.; Hoppema, M.; Hunt, C.W.; Hydes, D.; Ishii, M.; Johannessen, T.; Key, R.M.; Körtzinger, A.; Landschützer, P.; Lauvset, S.K.; Lefèvre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lourantou, A.; Merlivat, L.; Midorikawa, T.; Mintrop, L.; Miyazaki, C.; Murata, A.; Nakadate, A.; Nakano, Y.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Omar, A.M.; Padin, X.A.; Park, G.-H.; Paterson, K.; Perez, F.F.; Pierrot, D.; Poisson, A.; Ríos, A.F.; Salisbury, J.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Sarma, V.V.S.S.; Schlitzer, R.; Schneider, B.; Schuster, U.; Sieger, B.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Suzuki, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tedesco, K.; Telszewski, M.; Thomas, H.; Tilbrook, B.; Vandemark, D.; Veness, T.; Watson, A.J.; Weiss, R.; Wong, C.S.; Yoshikawa-Inoue, H. (2013). Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) gridded data products. ESSD 5(1): 145-153., more
  • Peer reviewed article Salt, L.A.; Thomas, H.; Prowe, A.E.; Borges, A.V.; Bozec, Y.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2013). Variability of North Sea pH and CO2 in response to North Atlantic Oscillation forcing. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences; 118(4): 1584-1592., more
  • Peer reviewed article Schmidt, S.; Harlay, J.; Borges, A.V.; Groom, S.; Delille, B.; Roevros, N.; Christodoulou, S.; Chou, L. (2013). Particle export during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi in the North-West European continental margin. J. Mar. Syst. 109-110: S182-S190., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tamooh, F.; Borges, A.V.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Van Den Meersche, K.; Dehairs, F.; Merckx, R.; Bouillon, S. (2013). Dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon and aquatic metabolism in the Tana River basin, Kenya. Biogeosciences 10(11): 6911-6928., more
  • Peer reviewed article Vancoppenolle, M.; Meiners, K.M.; Michel, C.; Bopp, L.; Brabant, F.; Carnat, G.; Delille, B.; Lannuzel, D.; Madec, G.; Moreau, S.; Tison, J.-L.; van der Merwe, P. (2013). Role of sea ice in global biogeochemical cycles: emerging views and challenges. Quat. Sci. Rev. 79: 207-230., more
  • Peer reviewed article Zhou, J.; Delille, B.; Eicken, H.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Brabant, F.; Carnat, G.; Geilfus, N.X.; Papakyriakou, T.; Heinesch, B.; Tison, J.-L. (2013). Physical and biogeochemical properties in landfast sea ice (Barrow, Alaska): Insights on brine and gas dynamics across seasons. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118(6): 3172-3189., more
  • Peer reviewed article Artioli, Y.; Blackford, J.C.; Butenschon, M.; Holt, J.T.; Wakelin, S.L.; Thomas, H.; Borges, A.V.; Allen, J.I. (2012). The carbonate system in the North Sea: sensitivity and model validation. J. Mar. Syst. 102-104: 1-13., more
  • Peer reviewed article Barber, D.G.; Asplin, M.G.; Papakyriakou, T.N.; Miller, L.; Else, B.G.T.; Iacozza, J.; Mundy, C.J.; Gosslin, M.; Asselin, N.C.; Ferguson, S.; Lukovich, J.V.; Stern, G.A.; Gaden, A.; Pucko, M.; Geilfus, N.-X.; Wang, F. (2012). Consequences of change and variability in sea ice on marine ecosystem and biogeochemical processes during the 2007-2008 Canadian International Polar Year program. Clim. Change 115(1): 135-159., more
  • Peer reviewed article Champenois, W.; Borges, A.V. (2012). Seasonal and interannual variations of community metabolism rates of a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57(1): 347-361., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Carnat, G.; Papakyriakou, T.; Tison, J.-L.; Else, B.; Thomas, H.; Shadwick, E.; Delille, B. (2012). Dynamics of pCO2 and related air-ice CO2 fluxes in the Arctic coastal zone (Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea). J. Geophys. Res. 117(C00G10): 1-15., more
  • Peer reviewed article Geilfus, N.-X.; Delille, B.; Verbeke, V.; Tison, J.-L. (2012). Towards a method for high vertical resolution measurements of the partial pressure of CO2 within bulk sea ice. J. Glaciol. 58(208): 287-300., more
  • Peer reviewed article Polsenaere, P.; Lamaud, E.; Lafon, V.; Bonnefond, J.-M.; Bretel, P.; Delille, B.; Deborde, J.; Loustau, D.; Abril, G. (2012). Spatial and temporal CO2 exchanges measured by Eddy Covariance over a temperate intertidal flat and their relationships to net ecosystem production. Biogeosciences 9(1): 249-268., more
  • Peer reviewed article Tamooh, F.; Van den Meersche, K.; Meysman, F.; Marwick, T.R.; Borges, A.V.; Merckx, R.; Dehairs, F.; Schmidt, S.; Nyunja, J.; Bouillon, S. (2012). Distribution and origin of suspended matter and organic carbon pools in the Tana River Basin, Kenya. Biogeosciences 9(8): 2905-2920., more
  • Peer reviewed article Thomas, H.; Borges, A.V. (2012). Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves - Including biogeochemistry during the International Polar Year. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 100: 1-2., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borchard, C.; Borges, A.V.; Handel, N.; Engel, A. (2011). Biogeochemical response of Emiliania huxleyi (PML B92/11) to elevated CO2 and temperature under phosphorous limitation: a chemostat study. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 410: 61-71., more
  • Peer reviewed article González-Dávila, M.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Fine, R.A.; Happell, J.; Delille, B.; Speich, S. (2011). Carbonate system in the water masses of the Southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during February and March 2008. Biogeosciences 8(5): 1401-1413., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gypens, N.; Lacroix, G.; Lancelot, C.; Borges, A.V. (2011). Seasonal and inter-annual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes and seawater carbonate chemistry in the Southern North Sea. Prog. Oceanogr. 88(1-4): 59-77., more
  • Peer reviewed article Harlay, J.; Chou, L.; De Bodt, C.; Van Oostende, N.; Piontek, J.; Suykens, K.; Engel, A.; Sabbe, K.; Groom, S.; Delille, B.; Borges, A.V. (2011). Biogeochemistry and carbon mass balance of a coccolithophore bloom in the northern Bay of Biscay (June 2006). Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 58(2): 111-127., more
  • Peer reviewed article Joassin, P.; Delille, B.; Soetaert, K.; Harlay, J.; Borges, A.V.; Chou, L.; Riebesell, U.; Suykens, K.; Grégoire, M. (2011). Carbon and nitrogen flows during a bloom of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi: Modelling a mesocosm experiment. J. Mar. Syst. 85(3-4): 71-85., more
  • Peer reviewed article Kouadio, K.N.; Diomande, D.; Kone, Y.J.M.; Bony, K.Y.; Ouattara, A.; Gourene, G. (2011). Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in relation to environmental factors in the Ebrie Lagoon (Ivory coast, West Africa). Vie Milieu (1980) 61(2): 59-69, more
  • Peer reviewed article Piontek, J.; Handel, N.; De Bodt, C.; Harlay, J.; Chou, L.; Engel, A. (2011). The utilization of polysaccharides by heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic Ocean). J. Plankton Res. 33(11): 1719-1735., more
  • Peer reviewed article Rysgaard, S.; Bendtsen, J.; Delille, B.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Glud, R.N.; Kennedy, H.; Mortensen, J.; Papadimitriou, S.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L. (2011). Sea ice contribution to the air–sea CO2 exchange in the Arctic and Southern Oceans. Tellus, Ser. B, Chem. phys. meteorol. 63(5): 823-830., more
  • Peer reviewed article Suykens, K.; Schmidt, S.; Delille, B.; Harlay, J.; Chou, L.; De Bodt, C.; Fagel, N.; Borges, A.V. (2011). Benthic remineralization in the northwest European continental margin (northern Bay of Biscay). Cont. Shelf Res. 31(6): 644-658., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abril, G.; Commarieu, M.V.; Etcheber, H.; Deborde, J.; Deflandre, B.; Zivadinovic, M.K.; Chaillou, G.; Anschutz, P. (2010). In vitro simulation of oxic/suboxic diagenesis in an estuarine fluid mud subjected to redox oscillations. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 88(2): 279-291., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Gypens, N. (2010). Carbonate chemistry in the coastal zone responds more strongly to eutrophication than to ocean acidification. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55(1): 346-353., more
  • Peer reviewed article Harlay, J.; Borges, A.V.; Van der Zee, C.; Delille, B.; Godoi, R.H.M.; Schiettecatte, L.S.; Roevros, N.; Aerts, K.; Lapernat, P.E.; Rebreanu, L.; Groom, S.; Daro, M.H.; Van Grieken, R.; Chou, L. (2010). Biogeochemical study of a coccolithophore bloom in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean) in June 2004. Prog. Oceanogr. 86(3-4): 317-336., more
  • Peer reviewed article Koné, J.M.Y.; Abril, G.; Delille, B.; Borges, A.V. (2010). Seasonal variability of methane in the rivers and lagoons of Ivory Coast (West Africa). Biogeochemistry 100(1-3): 21-37., more
  • Peer reviewed article Kuhn, W.; Patsch, J.; Thomas, H.; Borges, A.V.; Schiettecatte, L.S.; Bozec, Y.; Prowe, A.E.F. (2010). Nitrogen and carbon cycling in the North Sea and exchange with the North Atlantic-A model study, Part II: Carbon budget and fluxes. Cont. Shelf Res. 30(16): 1701-1716., more
  • Peer reviewed article Laruelle, G.; Durr, H.; Slomp, C.; Borges, A.V. (2010). Evaluation of sinks and sources of CO2 in the global coastal ocean using a spatially-explicit typology of estuaries and continental shelves. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37(15)., more
  • Peer reviewed article Omar, A.M.; Olsen, A.; Johannessen, T.; Hoppema, M.; Thomas, H.; Borges, A.V. (2010). Spatiotemporal variations of fCO2 in the North Sea. Ocean Sci. 6(1): 77-89, more
  • Peer reviewed article Suykens, K.; Delille, B.; Chou, L.; De Bodt, C.; Harlay, J.; Borges, A.V. (2010). Dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics and air-sea carbon dioxide fluxes during coccolithophore blooms in the northwest European continental margin (northern Bay of Biscay). Global Biogeochem. Cycles 24(GB3022): 1-14., more
  • Peer reviewed article Bouillon, S.; Abril, G.; Borges, A.V.; Dehairs, F.; Govers, G.; Hughes, H.J.; Merckx, R.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Nyunja, J.; Osburn, C.; Middelburg, J.J. (2009). Distribution, origin and cycling of carbon in the Tana River (Kenya): a dry season basin-scale survey from headwaters to the delta. Biogeosciences 6(11): 2475-2493., more
  • Peer reviewed article Chen, C.T.A.; Borges, A.V. (2009). Reconciling opposing views on carbon cycling in the coastal ocean: Continental shelves as sinks and near-shore ecosystems as sources of atmospheric CO2. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 56(8-10): 578-590., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, B.; Borges, A.V.; Delille, D. (2009). Influence of giant kelp beds (Macrocystis pyrifera) on diel cycles of pCO2 and DIC in the Sub-Antarctic coastal area. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 81(1): 114-122., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gypens, N.; Borges, A.V.; Lancelot, C. (2009). Effect of eutrophication on air-sea CO2 fluxes in the coastal Southern North Sea: a model study of the past 50 years. Glob. Chang. Biol. 15(4): 1040-1056., more
  • Peer reviewed article Kone, Y.J.M.; Abril, G.; Kouadio, K.N.; Delille, B.; Borges, A.V. (2009). Seasonal variability of carbon dioxide in the rivers and lagoons of Ivory Coast (West Africa). Est. Coast. 32(2): 246-260., more
  • Peer reviewed article Prowe, A.E.F.; Thomas, H.; Patsch, J.; Kuhn, W.; Bozec, Y.; Schiettecatte, L.S.; Borges, A.V.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2009). Mechanisms controlling the air-sea CO2 flux in the North Sea. Cont. Shelf Res. 29(15): 1801-1808., more
  • Peer reviewed article Thomas, H.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Suykens, K.; Koné, J.M.Y.; Shadwick, E.H.; Prowe, A.E.F.; Bozec, Y.; de Baar, H.J.W.; Borges, A.V. (2009). Enhanced ocean carbon storage from anaerobic alkalinity generation in coastal sediments. Biogeosciences 6(2): 267-274., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Tilbrook, B.; Metzl, N.; Lenton, A.; Delille, B. (2008). Inter-annual variability of the carbon dioxide oceanic sink south of Tasmania. Biogeosciences 5(1): 141-155., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Ruddick, K.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Delille, B. (2008). Net ecosystem production and carbon dioxide fluxes in the Scheldt estuarine plume. BMC Ecology 8(1): 1-10., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Suykens, K.; Commarieux, M.-V.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Delille, B.; Astoreca, R.; Rousseau, V.; Lancelot, C.; Ruddick, K. (2008). Estimating pCO2 from remote sensing in the Case-II waters of the Belgian coastal zone – First results from the BELCOLOUR-II project. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 10: [1], more
  • Peer reviewed article Bouillon, S.; Borges, A.V.; Castañeda-Moya, E.; Diele, K.; Dittmar, T.; Duke, N.C.; Kristensen, E.; Lee, S.Y.; Marchand, C.; Middelburg, J.J.; Rivera-Monroy, V.H.; Smith III, T.J.; Twilley, R.R. (2008). Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 22(2): GB2013., more
  • Peer reviewed article Ciais, P.; Borges, A.V.; Abril, G.; Meybeck, M.; Folberth, G.; Hauglustaine, D.; Janssens, I.A. (2008). The impact of lateral carbon fluxes on the European carbon balance. Biogeosciences 5(5): 1259-1271., more
  • Peer reviewed article Engel, A.; Schulz, K.; Riebesell, U.; Bellerby, R.; Delille, B.; Schartau, M. (2008). Effects of CO2 on particle size distribution and phytoplankton abundance during a mesocosm bloom experiment (PeECE II). Biogeosciences 5(2): 509-521., more
  • Peer reviewed article Koné, Y.J.M.; Borges, A.V. (2008). Dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics in the waters surrounding forested mangroves of the Ca Mau Province (Vietnam). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 77(3): 409-421., more
  • Peer reviewed article Kristensen, E.; Flindt, M.R.; Ulomi, S.; Borges, A.V.; Abril, G.; Bouillon, S. (2008). Emission of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere by sediments and open waters in two Tanzanian mangrove forests. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 370: 53-67., more
  • Peer reviewed article Lannuzel, D.; Schoemann, V.; de Jong, J.; Chou, L.; Delille, B.; Becquevort, S.; Tison, J.L. (2008). Iron study during a time series in the western Weddell pack ice. Mar. Chem. 108(1-2): 85-95., more
  • Peer reviewed article Ralison, O.H.; Borges, A.V.; Dehairs, F.; Middelburg, J.J.; Bouillon, S. (2008). Carbon biogeochemistry of the Betsiboka estuary (north-western Madagascar). Org. Geochem. 39(12): 1649-1658., more
  • Peer reviewed article Schoemann, V.; De Jong, J.T.M.; Lannuzel, D.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Chou, L.; Lancelot, C.; Becquevort, S. (2008). Microbiological control on the cycling Fe and its isotopes in Antarctic sea ice. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72(12): A837-A837, more
  • Peer reviewed article Tison, J.L.; Worby, A.; Delille, B.; Brabant, F.; Papadimitriou, S.; Thomas, D.; de Jong, J.; Lannuzel, D.; Haas, C. (2008). Temporal evolution of decaying summer first-year sea ice in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(8-9): 975-987., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Delille, B. (2007). Dedication - Michel Frankignoulle. J. Mar. Syst. 66(1-4): 4-5., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Wanninkhof, R. (2007). Preface: 37th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, may 2-6, 2005, 5th International Symposium on gas transfer at water surfaces. J. Mar. Syst. 66(1-4): 1-3., more
  • Peer reviewed article Bouillon, S.; Dehairs, F.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Borges, A.V. (2007). Biogeochemistry of the Tana estuary and delta (northern Kenya). Limnol. Oceanogr. 52(1): 46-59., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, B.; Jourdain, B.; Borges, A.V.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, D. (2007). Biogas (CO2, O2, dimethylsulfide) dynamics in spring Antarctic fast ice. Limnol. Oceanogr. 52(4): 1367-1379., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, D.; Gleizon, F.; Delille, B. (2007). Spatial and temporal variation of bacterioplankton in a sub-Antarctic coastal area (Kerguelen Archipelago). J. Mar. Syst. 68(3-4): 366-380., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Middelburg, J.J.; Loijens, M.; Vanderborght, J.P.; Pizay, M.D.; Gattuso, J.P. (2007). Planktonic primary production in estuaries: comparison of 14C, O2 and 18O methods. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 46(1): 95-106., more
  • Peer reviewed article Paquay, F.S.; Mackenzie, F.T.; Borges, A.V. (2007). Carbon dioxide dynamics in rivers and coastal waters of the "Big Island" of Hawaii, USA, during baseline and heavy rain conditions. Aquat. Geochem. 13(1): 1-18., more
  • Peer reviewed article Rochelle-Newall, E.J.; Winter, C.; Barrón, C.; Borges, A.V.; Duarte, C.M.; Elliott, M.; Frankignoulle, M.; Gazeau, F.; Middelburg, J.J.; Pizay, M.-D.; Gattuso, J.P. (2007). Artificial neural network analysis of factors controlling ecosystem metabolism in coastal systems. Ecol. Appl. 17(Supplement): S185-S196., more
  • Peer reviewed article Schiettecatte, L.S.; Thomas, H.; Bozec, Y.; Borges, A.V. (2007). High temporal coverage of carbon dioxide measurements in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Mar. Chem. 106(1-2): 161-173., more
  • Peer reviewed article Barron, C.; Duarte, C.M.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V. (2006). Organic carbon metabolism and carbonate dynamics in a Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow. Est. Coast. 29(3): 417-426, more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Schiettecatte, L.S.; Abril, G.; Delille, B.; Gazeau, F. (2006). Carbon dioxide in European coastal waters. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 70(3): 375-387., more
  • Peer reviewed article Bozec, Y.; Thomas, H.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Borges, A.V.; Elkalay, K.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2006). Assessment of the processes controlling seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic carbon in the North Sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 51(6): 2746-2762, more
  • Peer reviewed article Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Gazeau, F.; van der Zee, C.; Brion, N.; Borges, A.V. (2006). Time series of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (2001-2004) and preliminary inorganic carbon budget in the Scheldt plume (Belgian coastal waters). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 7(6): 16 pp., more
  • Peer reviewed article Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Gazeau, F.; van der Zee, C.; Brion, N.; Borges, A.V. (2006). Time series of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (2001-2004) and preliminary inorganic carbon budget in the Scheldt plume (Belgian coastal waters). Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8: 07238, more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, B.; Harlay, J.; Zondervan, I.; Jacquet, S.; Chou, L.; Wollast, R.; Bellerby, R.G.J.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V.; Riebesell, U.; Gattuso, J.P. (2005). Response of primary production and calcification to changes of pCO2 during experimental blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 19(GB2023): 14., more
  • Peer reviewed article Engel, A.; Zondervan, I.; Aerts, K.; Beaufort, L.; Benthien, A.; Chou, L.; Delille, B.; Gattuso, J.P.; Harlay, J.; Heemann, C.; Hoffmann, L.; Jacquet, S.; Nejstgaard, J.; Pizay, M.D.; Rochelle-Newall, E.; Schneider, U.; Terbrueggen, A.; Riebesell, U. (2005). Testing the direct effect of CO2 concentration on a bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in mesocosm experiments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50(2): 493-507, more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Borges, A.V.; Barron, C.; Duarte, C.M.; Iversen, N.; Middelburg, J.J.; Delille, B.; Pizay, M.D.; Frankignoulle, M.; Gattuso, J.P. (2005). Net ecosystem metabolism in a micro-tidal estuary (Randers Fjord, Denmark): evaluation of methods. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 301: 23-41., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Gattuso, J.P.; Middelburg, J.J.; Brion, N.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V. (2005). Planktonic and whole system metabolism in a nutrient-rich estuary (the Scheldt estuary). Estuaries 28(6): 868-883., more
  • Peer reviewed article Jacquet, S.H.M.; Dehairs, F.A.; Cardinal, D.; Navez, J.; Delille, B. (2005). Barium distribution across the Southern Ocean frontal system in the Crozet-Kerguelen Basin. Mar. Chem. 95(3-4): 149-162., more
  • Peer reviewed article Rangama, Y.; Boutin, J.; Etcheto, J.; Merlivat, L.; Takahashi, T.; Delille, B.; Frankignoulle, M.; Bakker, D.C.E. (2005). Variability of the net air-sea CO2 flux inferred from shipboard and satellite measurements in the Southern Ocean south of Tasmania and New Zealand. J. Geophys. Res. 110(C9)., more
  • Peer reviewed article Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Gazeau, F.; Van der Zee, C.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V. (2005). Four years of dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics along the Belgian coast. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 07276, more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Vanderborcht, J.P.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Gazeau, F.; Ferrón-Smith, S.; Delille, B.; Frankignoulle, M. (2004). Variability of the gas transfer velocity of CO2 in a macrotidal estuary (the Scheldt). Estuaries 27(4): 593-603, more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Delille, B.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Gazeau, F.; Abril, G.; Frankignoulle, M. (2004). Gas transfer velocities of CO2 in three European estuaries (Randers Fjord, Scheldt, and Thames). Limnol. Oceanogr. 49(5): 1630-1641., more
  • Peer reviewed article Engel, A.; Delille, B.; Jacquet, S.; Riebesell, U.; Rochelle-Newall, E.; Terbruggen, A.; Zondervan, I. (2004). Transparent exopolymer particles and dissolved organic carbon production by Emiliania huxleyi exposed to different CO2 concentrations: a mesocosm experiment. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 34(1): 93-104., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Smith, S.V.; Gentili, B.; Frankignoulle, M.; Gattuso, J.P. (2004). The European coastal zone: characterization and first assessment of ecosystem metabolism. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 60(4): 673-694., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Borges, A.V.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Middelburg, J.; Frankignoulle, M.; Gattuso, J.P. (2004). Pelagic metabolism of the Scheldt estuary on an annual scale. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 6: 05737, more
  • Peer reviewed article Gypens, N.; Borges, A.V.; Lancelot, C. (2004). Mechanisms controlling the air-sea exchanges of CO2 in the eutrophicated coastal waters of the southern bight of the North Sea: a modelling study. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 6: 04690, more
  • Peer reviewed article Kostianoy, A.G.; Ginzburg, A.I.; Frankignoulle, M.; Delille, B. (2004). Fronts in the Southern Indian Ocean as inferred from satellite sea surface temperature data. J. Mar. Syst. 45(1-2): 55-73., more
  • Peer reviewed article Pelletier, E.; Delille, D.; Delille, B. (2004). Crude oil bioremediation in sub-Antarctic intertidal sediments: chemistry and toxicity of oiled residues. Mar. Environ. Res. 57(4): 311-327., more
  • Peer reviewed article Rochelle-Newall, E.; Delille, B.; Frankignoulle, M.; Gattuso, J.P.; Jacquet, S.; Riebesell, U.; Terbruggen, A.; Zondervan, I. (2004). Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in experimental mesocosms maintained under different pCO2 levels. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 272: 25-31., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abril, G.; Etcheber, H.; Delille, B.; Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V. (2003). Carbonate dissolution in the turbid and eutrophic Loire estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 259: 129-138., more
  • Peer reviewed article Álvarez-Salgado, X.A.; Figueiras, F.G.; Pérez, F.F.; Groom, S.; Nogueira, E.; Borges, A.V.; Chou, L.; Castro, C.G.; Moncoiffé, G.; Ríos, A.F.; Miller, A.E.J.; Frankignoulle, M.; Savidge, G.; Wollast, R. (2003). The Portugal coastal counter current off NW Spain: new insights on its biogeochemical variability. Prog. Oceanogr. 56(2): 281-321., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Delille, B.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Gazeau, F.; Abril, G.; Frankignoulle, M. (2003). Gas transfer velocities of CO2 in three European estuaries (Randers Fjord, Scheldt and Thames). Geophys. Res. Abstr. 5: 03687, more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M. (2003). Distribution of surface carbon dioxide and air-sea exchange in the English Channel and adjacent areas. J. Geophys. Res. 108(C3140): 14 pp., more
  • Peer reviewed article Fiala, M.; Delille, B.; Dubreuil, C.; Kopczynska, E.; Leblanc, K.; Morvan, J.; Queguiner, B.; Blain, S.; Cailliau, C.; Conan, P.; Corvaisier, R.; Denis, M.; Frankignoulle, M.; Oriol, L.; Roy, S. (2003). Mesoscale surface distribution of biogeochemical characteristics in the Crozet Basin frontal zones (South Indian Ocean). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 249: 1-14., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gazeau, F.; Gattuso, J.-P. (2003). Pelagic metabolism of the Scheldt estuary measured by the oxygen method. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 5: 03175, more
  • Peer reviewed article Kostianoy, A.G.; Ginzburg, A.I.; Lebedev, S.A.; Frankignoulle, M.; Delille, B. (2003). Fronts and mesoscale variability in the southern Indian Ocean as inferred from the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2 altimetry data. Oceanology 43(5): 632-642, more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M. (2002). Distribution and air-water exchange of carbon dioxide in the Scheldt plume off the Belgian coast. Biogeochemistry 59(1-2): 41-67., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M. (2002). Distribution of surface carbon dioxide and air-sea exchange in the upwelling system off the Galician coast. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 16(4): 4/1-14., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M. (2002). Aspects of dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics in the upwelling system off the Galician coast. J. Mar. Syst. 32(1-3): 181-198., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, D.; Delille, B.; Pelletier, E. (2002). Effectiveness of bioremediation of crude oil contaminated subantarctic intertidal sediment: The microbial response. Microb. Ecol. 44(2): 118-126., more
  • Peer reviewed article Frankignoulle, M. (2002). Preface: 32nd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics - Liege, Belgium, May 8-12, 2000. J. Mar. Syst. 32(1-3): 1., more
  • Peer reviewed article Frankignoulle, M.; Middelburg, J.J. (2002). Biogases in tidal European Estuaries: the BIOGEST project. Biogeochemistry 59(1-2): 1-4., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abril, G.; Frankignoulle, M. (2001). Nitrogen-alkalinity interactions in the highly polluted Scheldt basin (Belgium). Wat. Res. 35(3): 844-850., more
  • Peer reviewed article Álvarez-Salgado, X.A.; Doval, M.D.; Borges, A.V.; Joint, I.; Frankignoulle, M.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Figueiras, F.G. (2001). Off-shelf fluxes of labile materials by an upwelling filament in the NW Iberian upwelling system. Prog. Oceanogr. 51(2-4): 321-337., more
  • Peer reviewed article Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M. (2001). Short-term variations of the partial pressure of CO2 in surface waters of the Galician upwelling system. Prog. Oceanogr. 51(2-4): 283-302., more
  • Peer reviewed article Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V. (2001). Direct and indirect pCO2 measurements in a wide range of pCO2 and salinity values (the Scheldt Estuary). Aquat. Geochem. 7(4): 267-273., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abril, G.; Riou, S.A.; Etcheber, H.; Frankignoulle, M.; De Wit, R.; Middelburg, J.J. (2000). Transient, tidal time-scale, nitrogen transformations in an estuarine turbidity maximum-fluid mud system (The Gironde, south-west France). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 50(5): 703-715., more
  • Peer reviewed article Abril, G.; Etcheber, H.; Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M. (2000). Excess atmospheric carbon dioxide transported by rivers into the Scheldt Estuary = Excès de gaz carbonique atmosphérique apporté par les fleuves à l’estuaire de l’Escaut. C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. 2, Sci. terre planètes 330(11): 761-768., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, B.; Delille, D.; Fiala, M.; Prevost, C.; Frankignoulle, M. (2000). Seasonal changes of pCO2 over a subantarctic Macrocystis kelp bed. Polar Biol. 23(10): 706-716., more
  • Peer reviewed article Delille, D.; Delille, B. (2000). Field observations on the variability of crude oil impact on indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from sub-Antarctic intertidal sediments. Mar. Environ. Res. 49(5): 403-417., more
  • Peer reviewed article Gattuso, J.P.; Reynaud-Vaganay, S.; Furla, P.; Romaine-Lioud, S.; Jaubert, J.; Bourge, I.; Frankignoulle, M. (2000). Calcification does not stimulate photosynthesis in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45(1): 246-250., more
  • Leseurre, C.; Delille, B.; Roobaert, A.; Boone, W.; Crabeck, O.; Ponsoni, L.; Theetaert, H.; T’Jampens, M.; Verbrugge, S.; Gkritzalis, T. (2024). Greenhouse gases gradients from Southern Greenland Fjords to subpolar North Atlantic Ocean, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 85, more
  • Deman, F.; Roukaerts, A.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Dehairs, F.; Fripiat, F. (2019). Estimation of Antarctic sea ice primary production inferred from biomass accumulation, in: 51st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Polar Ocean facing changes. , more
  • Jacques, C.; Sapart, C.J.; Carnat, G.; Delille, B.; Röckmann, T.; van der Veen, C.; Tison, J.-L. (2017). Where does the methane entrapped in Antarctic sea ice come from?, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 381, more
  • Kotovitch, M.; Tison, J.-L.; Fripiat, F.; Deman, F.; Sapart, C.; Carnat, G.; Moreau, S.; Van der Linden, F.; Delille, B. (2017). N2O production and cycling within Antarctic sea ice, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 382, more
  • Royer, C.; Gypens, N.; Borges, A.V. (2017). Dimethylsulfonopropionate as a reactive oxygen species scavenger for phytoplankton cell. Poster presented at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 3 March 2017. Université Libre de Bruxelles/Université de Liège: Brussel, Liège. 1 poster pp., more
  • Van der Linden, F.; Champenois, W.; Heinesch, B.; Moreau, S.; Kotovitch, M.; Carnat, G.; Fripiat, F.; Zhou, J.; Haskell, T.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2017). Antarctic sea ice trophic status, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 387, more
  • Borges, A.V.; Vandenberghe, T.; Strobbe, F.; De Cauwer, K.; Lagring, R. (2016). Ocean acidification in the Belgian coastal zone, a contribution to the BELSPO project “4 decades of Belgian marine monitoring” (4Demon), in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 44, more
  • Kotovitch, M.; Fripiat, F.; Moreau, S.; Van der Linden, F.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2016). Nitrous oxide dynamics in sea ice, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 70, more
  • Van der Linden, F.; Champenois, W.; Heinesch, B.; Moreau, S.; Kotovitch, M.; Carnat, G.; Zhou, J.; Fripiat, F.; Haskell, T.H.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2016). Annual dynamics of CO2 partial pressure within bulk sea ice and related CO2 fluxes at Cape Evans (Antarctica)
, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 117, more
  • Tyberghein, L.; Borges, A.V.; Deneudt, K.; Desmit, X.; De Witte, B.; Gauquie, J.; Goffin, A.; Lagring, R.; Nohe, A.; Sabbe, K.; Strobbe, F.; Van der Zande, D.; De Cauwer, K. (2015). 4 decades of Belgian marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs – 4DEMON, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 135, more
  • Speeckaert, G.; Lancelot, C.; Gypens, N.; Borges, A. (2014). Study and modelling of DMSP production and its conversion into DMS by North Sea specific phytoplankton, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 99, more
  • Borges, A.V.; Champenois, W. (2013). Seasonal and inter-annual variations of gross primary production, community respiration, and net community production of a i seagrass meadow, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], more
  • Champenois, W.; Lepoint, G.; Borges, A.V. (2013). Evaluation of gross primary production, community respiration, and net community production in various benthic communities (Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow, Posidonia oceanica litter, epilithic macro-algae) in the Bay of Revellata (Corsica) using optodes, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], more
  • Hagens, M.; Slomp, C.P.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Brenner, H.; Borges, A.V.; Middelburg, J.J. (2013). The influence of biogeochemical processes on the pH dynamics in the seasonally hypoxic saline Lake Grevelingen, The Netherlands, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], more
  • Harlay, J.; Van Oostende, N.; Sabbe, K.; Borges, A.V. (2013). Biogeochemistry and carbon mass balance of a coccolithophore bloom in the northern Bay of Biscay (June 2006), in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], more
  • Borges, A.V.; Ruddick, K.; Harlay, J. (2012). Estimating pCO2 from remote sensing in the Belgian Coastal Zone, in: 44th international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Remote sensing of colour, temperature and salinity – new challenges and opportunities" - May 7-11, 2012. pp. 1, more
  • Borges, A.V. (2011). Present day carbon dioxide fluxes in the coastal ocean and possible feedbacks under global change, in: Duarte, P. et al. (Ed.) Oceans and the atmospheric carbon content. pp. 47-77., more
  • Capet, A.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Borges, A.V.; Joassin, P.; Meysman, F.; Soetaert, K.; Grégoire, M. (2011). Multidecadal evolution of Black Sea hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
  • Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Woule-Ebongué, V.; Delille, B. (2011). Surface delta13C-POC, cholesterol and brassicasterol decline from Cape Basin to the northern Weddell Gyre (Southern Ocen): is the signal conserved in the deep ocean?, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
  • Delille, B.; Geilfus, N.-X.; Gonzalez-Davila, M.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Planchon, F.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Cardinal, D.; Fripiat, F.; André, L.; Speich, S.; Dehairs, F. (2011). pCO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon distribution of the mixed layer during the Bonus-Goodhope cruise, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
  • Gonzalez-Davila, M.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Fine, R.A.; Happell, J.; Delille, B.; Speich, S. (2011). Carbonate system buffering in the water masses of the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during February-March 2008, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
  • Mascart, T.; Lepoint, G.; Borges, A.V.; Darchambeau, F.; Dauby, P.; De Troch, M. (2011). The role of meiofauna in energy transfer in a Mediterranean seagrass bed (Calvi, Corsica), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 48: pp. 49, more
  • Mascart, T.; Lepoint, G.; Borges, A.V.; Darchambeau, F.; Dauby, P.; De Troch, M. (2011). The role of meiofauna in energy transfer in a Mediterranean seagrass bed (Calvi, Corsica). Marine Biology, Ghent University/Université de Liège: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
  • Tisnérat-laborde, N.; Delille, B.; Gonzalez-Davila, M.; Santana-Casiano, J.M.; Bordier, L.; Hatté, C.; Moreau, C.; Paterne, M.; Boyé, M.; Speich, S. (2011). Evolution of dissolved inorganic radiocarbon in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
  • Van Oostende, N.; Harlay, J.; De Bodt, C.; Suykens, K.; Borges, A.V.; Piontek, J.; Borchard, C.; Engel, A.; Chou, L.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2011). Bacterial community structure and potential controlling factors along a water column stratification gradient during multi-annual coccolithophorid blooms, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 48: pp. 96, more
  • Zhou, J.; Tison, J.-L.; Eicken, H.; Petrich, C.; Geilfus, N.-X.; Brabant, F.; Carnat, G.; Papakyriakou, T.; Heinesch, B.; Laing, R.; Delille, B. (2011). Dynamic processes in sea ice captured by the temporal evolution of its biogeochemical properties, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 48: pp. 111, more
  • Ruddick, K.; Park, Y.; Astoreca, R.; Borges, A.; Lacroix, G.; Lancelot, C.; Rousseau, V. (2008). Applications of the MERIS algal pigment products in Belgian waters, in: Proceedings of the 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop, 22–26 September 2008, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. ESA Special Publications, 666: pp. 6, more
  • Suykens, K.; Delille, B.; Borges, A.V. (2007). Biogeochemical carbon cycle in a coccolithophorid bloom. Université de Liège. Unité d'océanographie chimique: Liège. 1 poster pp., more
  • Gazeau, F.; Borges, A.V.; Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Middelburg, J.; Frankignoulle, M.; Gattuso, J.P. (2004). Pelagic metabolism of the Scheldt estuary measured by the oxygen method on an annual scale, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 49, more
  • Schiettecatte, L.-S.; Frankignoulle, M.; Chou, L.; Borges, A.V. (2004). Dissolved inorganic carbon cycle in the maximum turbidity zone of the upper Scheldt estuary, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 65, more

Projects (18)  Top | Persons | Publications | Datasets 
  • 4DEMON: 4 Decades of Belgian Marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs, more
  • An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean, more
  • BE_POLES: Belgian Polar Research Cluster, more
  • BELCANTO II: Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological pump to climate change, more
  • BELCANTO III: Integrated Study of Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate Interactions in the Anthropocene, more
  • BENCORE: Belgian Network for Coastal Reseach, more
  • BIOGEST: Biogas transfer in Estuaries, more
  • CANOBA: Carbon and nutrient cycling in the north sea and the Baltic Sea, more
  • CANOPY: Biogeochemical carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the North Sea, more
  • Carbon and nutrients cycles in the inner Scheldt estuary (Sainte-Anna), more
  • COCOS: Coordination Action Carbon Observation System, more
  • COMETS: Cluster Eutrophication, more
  • EUROTROPH: Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems, more
  • OMEX-II: Ocean Margin Exchange II-phase II, more
  • PEACE: Role of pelagic calcification and export of carbonate production in climate change, more
  • SESAME: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes, more
  • SIBClim: Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in a CLimate change perspective, more
  • Gather and promote Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere related belgian efforts, more

Datasets (4)  Top | Persons | Publications | Projects 
  • Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M.; Chemical Oceanograpy Unit - Université de Liège; (2004): Continuous acquisition of inorganic and organic carbon and associated parameters at the station Ste Anna, Antwerp, more
  • Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V.; Chemical Oceanograpy Unit - Université de Liège; (2004): BIOGEST project dataset: Biogas Transfer in Estuaries, more
  • Frankignoulle, M.; Borges, A.V.; Chemical Oceanograpy Unit - Université de Liège; (2007): EUROTROPH project dataset: Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems, more
  • CANOPY: Biogeochemical carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the North Sea: PON, POC, pH, chl-a and nutrient measurements (2003-2004), more

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Persons | Publications | Projects | Datasets