Publications (9) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Project | Dataset |
A1 Publications (4) [show] |
- Weslawski, J.M.; Andrulewicz, E.; Kotwicki, L.; Kuzebski, E.; Lewandowski, A; Linkowski, T; Massel, S.R.; Musielak, S.; Olanczuk-Neyman, K.; Pempkowiak, J.; Piekarek-Jankowska, H.; Radziejewska, T.; Rozynski, G.; Sagan, I.; Skora, K.E.; Szefler, K.; Urbanski, J.A.; Witek, Z.; Wolowicz, M.; Zachowicz, J.; Zarzycki, T. (2006). Basis for a valuation of the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea: Rationale and quest for tools. Oceanologia 48(1): 145-167, more
- Sapota, M.R.; Skora, K.E. (2005). Spread of alien (non-indigenous) fish species Neogobius melanostomus in the Gulf of Gdansk (south Baltic). Biological Invasions 7: 157-164., more
- Corkum, L.D.; Sapota, M.R.; Skora, K.E. (2004). The round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, a fish invader on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Biological Invasions 6(2): 173-181., more
- Skora, K.E.; Rzeznik, J. (2001). Observations on diet composition of Neogobius melanostomus Pallas 1811 (Gobiidae, Pisces) in the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea). J. Great Lakes Res. 27(3): 290–299., more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
- Arndt, G.-M.; Gessner, J.; Anders, E.; Spratte, S.; Filipiak, J.; Debus, L.; Skora, K. (2000). Predominance of exotic and introduced species among sturgeons captured from the Baltic and North Sea and their watersheds, 1981-1999. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 16(1-4): 29-36, more
- Skora, K.E. (1995). A new marine station on the Baltic. Helgol. Meeresunters. 49: 439-440, more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
- Skora, K. (2003). Introduction to topic five: “Is there a need for further human intervention on the Baltic ecosystems?” (1), in: Weslawski, J.M. et al. Electronic conference on ‘Newly Associated States and Marine Biodiversity Research’: summary of discussions, 2 - 12 June 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 4: pp. 41-42, more
- Skora, K. (2003). Summary to topic five: “Is there a need for further human intervention on the Baltic ecosystems?”, in: Weslawski, J.M. et al. Electronic conference on ‘Newly Associated States and Marine Biodiversity Research’: summary of discussions, 2 - 12 June 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 4: pp. 44, more
- Skora, K.; Olenin, S.; Gollasch, S. (1999). Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1811) Gobiidae, Osteichtys (Black spotted goby), in: Gollasch, S. et al. (Ed.) Exotics across the ocean. Case histories on introduced species: their general biology, distribution, range expansion and impact: prepared by Members of the European Union Concerted Action on testing monitoring systems for risk assessment of harmful introductions by ships to European waters (MAS-CT-97-0111). pp. 69-73, more