Faunistics of the Echinodermata of the western Indian Ocean |
Period: January 1996 till January 2002 Status: Completed
Thesaurus terms Biogeography; Chorology; Classification; Conservation; Coral reefs; Distribution; Evolution; Histology; Macrobenthos; Marine; Oceanology; Phylogeny; Systematics; Taxonomy; Tropical africa; Zoogeography; Zoology
Taxonomic terms: Asteroidea [WoRMS]; Crinoidea [WoRMS]; Echinodermata [WoRMS]; Echinoidea [WoRMS]; Holothuroidea [WoRMS]; ; ; Ophiuroidea [WoRMS]
Institute |
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- Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek (ECOL), more, partner
Abstract |
Construction of annotated checklists of the echinoderm fauna of Kenya (with Pemba Island, Tanzania) and South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal only) Taxonomical revision of genera within Holothuriidae Faunistics of the echinoderm fauna of the westernIndian Ocean |