Elemental composition and sources of atmospheric aerosols above and around the North Sea : phase 2 |
Dutch title: Elementaire samenstelling en bronnen van atmosferische aerosolen boven en rond de Noordzee : fase 2
Period: October 1993
Thesaurus terms Aerosols; Composition; Sources
Institute |
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- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Analytische Chemie; Onderzoeksgroep Troposferisch AĆ«rosolonderzoek en Nucleaire Micro-analyse, more, partner
Abstract |
Collection of atmospheric aerosol samples above and around the North Sea and in marine background regions. Determination of the chemical composition of the aerosols. Assessment of the relaative contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources (source regions) to the atmospheric concentrations of the aerosol mass and the aerosol constituents. Research on the physical and chemical transformations and on the dry and wet flux between atmosphere and sea surface. |