Hydrogeologie van het duingebied tussen Koksijde en Oostduinkerke
Lebbe, L.; De Breuck, W. (1980). Hydrogeologie van het duingebied tussen Koksijde en Oostduinkerke. Tijdschr. BECEWA 55: 33-45
In: Tijdschrift van het BECEWA. Centrum voor de Studie van Water, Bodem en Lucht: Gent. ISSN 0303-8955, more
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Abstract |
The lithology of the unconfined aquifer between Koksijde and Oostduinkerke have been deduced from well logs. From a pumping test a value of 340 m2/d was obtained for the transmissivity and 3.10-3 for the elastic storage coefficient. Analyses of water samples indicated that the groundwater contains more salt near the water catchment than to north of it. Geo-electric well logging has shown the presence of fresh water over the entire thickness of the aquifer at the high-tide line. The groundwater currents have been computed by means of a mathematical model for two cases of a groundwater extraction of 1,5 million m3 per year. |