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Krzyminski, Wlodzimierz

Institute  Top | Institute | Datasets 
    Institute of Meteorology and Water Management; Maritime Branch (IMWM MB), more
    Direct contact at institute:

Datasets (10)  Top | Institute | Datasets 
  • Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - IMGW, Poland; (2014). National Ferrybox project - continuous sampling by IMWM, more
  • Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - IMGW, Poland; (2014). Polish-Russian Vistula Lagoon Monitoring, more
  • Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - IMGW, Poland; (2016). National ferrybox project - discrete sampling by IMWM, more
  • Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea, Poland; (2014), PMS, IMWM Database, more
  • Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea, Poland; (2014), PMS, IMWM Database: chlorophyll a, more
  • Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea, Poland; (2014), PMS, IMWM Database: zooplankton, more
  • Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea, Poland; (2016), PMS, IMWM Database: phytobenthos, more
  • Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea, Poland; (2016), PMS, IMWM Database: phytoplankton, more
  • Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea, Poland; (2016), PMS, IMWM Database: zoobenthos, more
  • Southern Baltic Continuous Plankton Recorder, more

All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Institute | Datasets