Determination of the influence width based on CFD computations
Mussche, W. (2024). Determination of the influence width based on CFD computations. MSc Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. 99 pp.
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Document type: Dissertation
Author keywords |
ship-bank effects, influence width, CFD, OpenFOAM |
Abstract |
Over the last decades, ship dimensions have kept enlarging while the growth of ports, channels and locks cannot keep pace. In this context, the Flemish government launched a project, in collaboration with Flanders Hydraulics (FH) and Ghent University, to improve our understanding of ship behavior in shallow and restricted water with the goal of developing scientifically based admission policies. An extensive series of towing tank tests were performed, forming the base for newfound realizations on ship-bank effects. Among these conclusions is an empirical equation for the influence width, the maximum distance between the ship and bank at which the influence of the bank can be felt. The problem is that towing tank tests are expensive, time consuming and lack flexibility. An option to improve these shortcomings would be to switch the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This is where the goal of this dissertation is. Using OpenFOAM, an open-source CFD software package, simulations will be performed at a set of velocities, eccentricities and under keel clearances (UKC) equal to those used during the experimental measurements. The focus is on captive, deep-water cases at 260% UKC in a tank with straight quay walls but a more limited set of simulations is made in shallow water at 30% UKC. The ship model considered is a KVLCC2 tanker at a scale of 1:150. By comparing the results of the simulations to the experimental measurements, an evaluation is made to see if CFD can accurately determine the influence width. The developed CFD setup uses the InterFoam solver, local time stepping, wall functions and a fixed mesh to generate simulations with a good balance between computational cost and accuracy. The results show a good alignment with the experimental measurements and equation of the influence width, especially at higher velocities. At the lowest velocities, the results are less satisfying, likely due to excessively low values of y+. The developed CFD setup can be used as a base for future simulations concerning ship-bank effects. However, certain improvements can be made such as switching from a fixed mesh to a dynamic mesh to allow squat and trim. |