IMIS Photogallery » Referenties
Habrocidaris scutata (spines and pedicellaria)
Beschrijving a. Primary spine on primordial and neighbouring plates, basal part with thorns. b. Primary spine on other oral plates, distal part with "shoe". c. Valve of tridentate pedicellaria. Scale a. 500 µ, Scale b. 500 µ, Scale c. 100 µ.
Auteur Mironov, Alexander N.
JPG bestand - 75.12 kB - 945 x 837 pixels
toegevoegd op 2011-02-23368 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2011). Sea urchins III: Worldwide regular de...
© 2011 Mironov, Alexander N.
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