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Prionocidaris baculosa (interambulacrum)
Beschrijving Close-up of interambulacrum: Outside the ring of scrobicular tubercles there are some alternating ones. The median space is filled with smaller tubercles decreasing in size towards the vertical suture. In the ambulacra the pore-pairs are strongly conjugate, each pair separated from the next one by a sharp ridge. Diameter of test 60 mm, height 41 mm; Philippines. CN
Auteur Schultz, Heinke
JPG bestand - 231.72 kB - 1 368 x 719 pixels
toegevoegd op 2005-02-23291 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2006). Sea urchins: A guide to worldwide sha...
© 2005 Schultz, Heinke
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