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Caenopedina novaezealandiae (apical disc, coronal plates and primary spine base)
Caenopedina novaezealandiae (apical disc, coronal plates and primary spine base)
Beschrijving a. Apical system: The periproct is pentagonal (the platelets are only partly drawn.) The opening is eccentric. b. Interambulacral and ambulacral plating. c. Base of primary spine with oblique milled ring. Redrawn after Pawson 1964
Scales 2 mm; female.
Auteur Schultz, Heinke JPG bestand - 113.62 kB - 1 561 x 566 pixels toegevoegd op 2011-02-23269 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2011). Sea urchins III: Worldwide regular de... © 2011 Schultz, Heinke
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