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Agassizia scrobiculata (aboral)
Beschrijving Aboral side: It seems, the posterior petals are more reduced adapically in Agassizia scrobiculata than in A. excentrica. However, there is much variation in both species. The geographical range is a good distinction: A. scrobiculata is recorded from the west coast of tropical America, A. excentrica from the Caribbean. Length 31 mm; Isla el Requeson, Mexico.
Auteur van der Steld, Bas
JPG bestand - 289.46 kB - 1 533 x 1 560 pixels
toegevoegd op 2009-02-23267 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2009). Sea urchins II: Worldwide irregular d...
© 2009 van der Steld, Bas
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