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Brissopsis cf. luzonica (oblique view)
Beschrijving Viewed obilquely from the back. The subanal fasciole is bilobeb, two narrow anal branches lead upwards reaching the peripetalous fasciole. The larger tubercles are set with longer spines, forming two tufts. Five tube feet are developed to each side within the subanal fasciole, maintaining the two funnels for waste water. Length 77 mm; off NE Taiwan.
Auteur Schultz, Heinke
JPG bestand - 182.82 kB - 1 196 x 991 pixels
toegevoegd op 2009-02-23403 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2009). Sea urchins II: Worldwide irregular d...
© 2009 Schultz, Heinke
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