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Echinolampas ovata (test, oral)
Beschrijving Oral side of a cassiduloid: Close to the peristome the ambulacral pores are anlarged, forming the leaf-shaped phyllodes. Each pore is associated with a specialized tube foot. Nearest to the peristome two more or less enlarged pores are developed which give rise to the two buccal podia. alternating with the phyllodes there are the more or less inflated bourrelets carrying speciallzed spines. Scale 5 mm.
Auteur Schultz, Heinke
JPG bestand - 175.56 kB - 940 x 1 129 pixels
toegevoegd op 2005-02-23238 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2006). Sea urchins: A guide to worldwide sha...
© 2005 Schultz, Heinke
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