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Opechinus albus (coronal plates + apical system)
Beschrijving a. Ambulacral plates b. Interambulacral plates c. Apical system. The pits (spotted areas) are distinct and especially in the interambulacra, large and along the median suture confluent. The deep indentstions in the apical plates and the sharply offset distal parts give the apical disc a very peculiar shape. Scale 2 mm.
Auteur Mortensen, Theodor
JPG bestand - 154.39 kB - 1 525 x 589 pixels
toegevoegd op 2011-02-23182 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2011). Sea urchins III: Worldwide regular de...
© 2011 Mortensen, Theodor
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