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Plesiodiadema globulosum (apical disc, interambulacral and ambulacral plates)
Beschrijving a. Apical system: The periproctal membrane is covered in small plates; b. Interambulacrum; c. Ambulacrum: Every third plate is set with a distinctly larger primary tubercle; d: Ambulacral plates: The interambulacral areoles do not join the ambulacral edge. no scale, diameter of test 25 mm; d. Scale 2 mm. A,b & c modified from A. Agassiz; d modified from Mortensen
Auteur Schultz, Heinke
JPG bestand - 242.32 kB - 1 717 x 664 pixels
toegevoegd op 2011-02-23268 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2011). Sea urchins III: Worldwide regular de...
© 2011 Schultz, Heinke
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