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Floodmap: middenschalige kartering van overstromingen aan de hand van radarbeelden [BROCHURE]
Agentschap voor Geografische Informatie Vlaanderen [s.d.]. Floodmap: middenschalige kartering van overstromingen aan de hand van radarbeelden [BROCHURE]. AGIV: Gent. 2 pp.
Agentschap voor Geografische Informatie Vlaanderen, meer
Floods in Flanders are a regularly recurring event and can cause tremendous economic damage. To reduce the damage from floods, the Flemish government need to be well informed. The project FLOODMAP was financed by the Belgium Federal Government (DWTC), under the national remote sensing program STEREO. aimed at meeting the flood and spatial information requirements of the Flemish government by developing an operational system for measuring and monitoring the area extent of the flooded areas. Since RADAR sensors are designed to overcome the most common problem associated with monitoring floods, i.e. getting information regardless of weather conditions, it was decided to develop a system based on radar satellite imagery. The flood monitoring system is only operational for ENVISAT and RADARSAT imagery and is developed in such a way that it requires both a flood and a reference image. Two different methods are used for extracting flooded areas out of RADAR-imagery: 1) the active contour technique and 2) the objectoriented classiification technique. The results of both techniques are fused together and the minimum and maximum area extent of flooded areas determined.
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