one publication added to basket [200325] | Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Project Pacific Regional Workshop, Tsukuba, Japans, 18-20 March 2009
(2009). Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Project Pacific Regional Workshop, Tsukuba, Japans, 18-20 March 2009. IOC Workshop Report, 221. UNESCO: Paris.
Deel van: IOC Workshop Report. UNESCO: Paris, meer
Abstract |
The SOCAT Pacific Regional Group met at the National Institute for Environmental Studies in Tsukuba, Japan from 18-20 March 2009. The workshop was co-chaired by Yukihiro Nojiri and Steve Hankin and attended by twenty scientists from seven different countries. The Pacific regional group met with the developers of the Live-Access Server tools to learn how LAS can be used in the QC effort for SOCAT. The participants installed the tools software on their one computers, downloaded the data files for their regions, set up the shared QC environment, and worked through several exercises to demonstrate the system. The groups began working through the data sets for their onde region (flagging, determining which 2nd level QC tests may be applied, testing those, etc.) |