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National marine plastic litter policies in EU Member States: an overview
Arroyo Schnell, A.; Klein, N.; Gómez Girón, E.; Sousa, J. (2017). National marine plastic litter policies in EU Member States: an overview. IUCN: Brussels. viii, 64 pp.
The aim of this study is to provide an overview of national legal instruments in all European Union Member States related to protection of the marine environment from plastic pollution, and to support upcoming European policy efforts such as the EU Strategy on Plastics, but also other future efforts to tackle this global environmental challenge. However, it is important to note that this report does not claim to give a comprehensive overview of all EU Member States’ existing national policies related to marine litter. The report is based on information collected during first half of 2017 from EU Member States on existing policies directly tackling marine litter at national level.
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