Dit platform verschaft informatie en kennis omtrent de WL expertisedomeinen 'hydraulica en sediment', 'havens en waterwegen', 'waterbouwkundige constructies', 'waterbeheer' en 'kustbescherming' - gaande van WL medewerkers met hun expertise, het curriculum van deze instelling, tot publicaties, projecten, data (op termijn) en evenementen waarin het WL betrokken is.
Het WL onderschrijft het belang van "open access" voor de ontsluiting van haar onderzoeksresultaten. Lees er meer over in ons openaccessbeleid.
European biodiversity action plan for fisheries: issues for non-target species
Kaiser, M.J.; Austen, M.C.V.; Ojaveer, H. (2004). European biodiversity action plan for fisheries: issues for non-target species. Fish. Res. 69(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2004.05.001
In: Fisheries Research. Elsevier: Amsterdam. ISSN 0165-7836; e-ISSN 1872-6763, meer
An e-conference focussed on ‘Sustaining livelihoods and Biodiversity’ was held to prepare points of view and syntheses to inform the strategic policy with respect to the European Biodiversity Strategy. In particular, the e-conference addressed the European Biodiversity Action Plans, including the BAP for fisheries, with the aim of identifying its weakness and strengths. The opening statement and ensuing debate are synthesised and conclusions presented.
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