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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Civiele Techniek; Afdeling Maritieme Techniek, meer
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Projecten (5) |
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- Haven van Antwerpen - Deurganksluis: nautische controle, meer
- Haven van Zeebrugge. Sterneneiland: nautische impact, meer
- Oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem, meer
- Ontwerp sleepwagen 2, meer
- Overgangsverschijnselen bij oevereffecten, meer
Publicaties (153) |
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A1 publicaties (34) [show] |
- Donatini, L.; Verwilligen, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2025). Real-time synthesis of the dynamic responses of floating bodies to waves for maritime simulators. Appl. Ocean Res. 154: 104393., meer
- He, H.; Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Villagómez, J.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2025). Comprehensive experimental testing of parameter sensitivity on a model predictive controller for path following in shallow water. Ocean Eng. 326: 120882., meer
- He, H.; Villagómez, J.; Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2025). Experimental assessment of speed adaptive track control of rudder-propeller-actuated ships based on model predictive control. Ocean Eng. 326: 120824., meer
- Brouwers, B.; van Beeck, J.; Lataire, E. (2024). Application of Ultrasound Image Velocimetry (UIV) to cohesive sediment (fluid mud) flows.
Discover Applied Sciences 6: 124., meer
- Brouwers, B.; van Beeck, J.; Lataire, E. (2024). Optimisation of the depth range of UIV on cohesive sediment (fluid mud) flows.
Discover Applied Sciences 6: 327., meer
- Chen, C.; Delefortrie, G.; Mansuy, M.; Lataire, E. (2024). Path following controller for autonomous ships: simulation, experiment, and application in shallow water. J. Mar. Sci. Technol. 29: 181-199., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Verwilligen, J.; Pinkster, J.A.; Yuan, Z.M.; Liu, Y.H.; Kastens, M.; Van Hoydonck, W.; Pinkster, H.J.M.; Lataire, E. (2024). Unsteady ship-bank interaction: a comparison between experimental and computational predictions. Ship Technology Research 71(1): 33-57., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Verwilligen, J.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2024).
Bank interaction effects on ships in 6 DOF. Ocean Eng. 310(Part 1): 118614., meer
- Donatini, L.; Verwilligen, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2024). Physically accurate real-time synthesis of ocean waves for maritime simulators. Appl. Ocean Res. 143: 103866., meer
- He, H.; Mansuy, M.; Verwilligen, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2024). Global path planning for inland vessels based on fast marching algorithm. Ocean Eng. 312: 119172., meer
Brouwers, B.; Meire, D.; Toorman, E.; van Beeck, J.; Lataire, E. (2023). Conditioning procedures to enhance the reproducibility of mud settling and consolidation experiments. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 290: 108407., meer
- Chen, C.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2023). Experimental study of adaptive course controllers with nonlinear modulators for surface ships in shallow water. Isa Transactions 134: 417-430., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2023). The influence width of drifting ships. Appl. Ocean Res. 141: 103779., meer
- He, H.; Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2023). Model predictive controller for path following ships validated by experimental model tests. Ocean Eng. 288(Part 2): 115971., meer
- Lataire, E.; Raza, A.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2023). Boundary layer influence on ship model tests in extremely shallow and confined water. J. Hydrodynam. (Print) online: [1-14]., meer
- Lu, S.; Boucetta, D.; Van Hoydonck, W.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2023). Rudder hydrodynamics behind a propeller rotating ahead and astern. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1288: 012057., meer
- Wium, D.; Lataire, E.; Belis, J. (2023). Finite element analysis of a glass structure in a superyacht superstructure. Glass Structures & Engineering 8(4): 549-566., meer
Brouwers, B.; van Beeck, J.; Meire, D.; Lataire, E. (2022). Assessment of the potential of radiography and ultrasonography to record flow dynamics in cohesive sediments (mud). Front. Earth Sci. 10: 878102., meer
- Chen, C.; Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2021). Tracking controller for ship manoeuvring in a shallow or confined fairway: design, comparison and application. Appl. Ocean Res. 115: 102823., meer
- Chen, C.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2021). Effects of water depth and speed on ship motion control from medium deep to very shallow water. Ocean Eng. 231: 109102., meer
- Degrieck, A.; Uyttersprot, B.; Sutulo, S.; Guedes Soares, C.; Van Hoydonck, W.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2021). Hydrodynamic ship-ship and ship-bank interaction: a comparative numerical study. Ocean Eng. 230: 108970., meer
- Mei, L.; Liu, Y.; Ruiz, T.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Chen, Y.; Zou, J. (2021). A hybrid method for predicting ship maneuverability in regular waves. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 143(2): 021203., meer
- Chen, C.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2020). Experimental investigation of practical autopilots for maritime autonomous surface ships in shallow water. Ocean Eng. 218: 108246., meer
Mei, T.; Candries, M.; Lataire, E.; Zou, Z. (2020). Numerical study on hydrodynamics of ships with forward speed based on nonlinear steady wave. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(2): 106., meer
- Mei, T.-L.; Zhang, T.; Candries, M.; Lataire, E.; Zou, Z.-J. (2020). Comparative study on ship motions in waves based on two time domain boundary element methods. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements 111: 9-21., meer
- Chen, C.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Delefortrie, G.; Mei, T.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2019). Parameter estimation for a ship's roll response model in shallow water using an intelligent machine learning method. Ocean Eng. 191: 106479., meer
- Mei, T.-L.; Delefortrie, G.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Chen, C.; Zou, Z.-J. (2019). Numerical and experimental study on the wave-body interaction problem with the effects of forward speed and finite water depth in regular waves. Ocean Eng. 192: 106366., meer
Pribadi, A.B.K.; Donatini, L.; Lataire, E. (2019). Numerical modelling of a mussel line system by means of lumped-mass approach. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 7(9): 309., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2018). The influence of the ship’s speed and distance to an arbitrarily shaped bank on bank effects. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 140(2): [1-11]., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2017). Hydrodynamic interaction between ships and restricted waterways. International Journal of Maritime Engineering 159: 77-87., meer
- Callewaert, M.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Boone, J.; Vantorre, M.; Bourgois, J. (2013). Development of an upwind sailing ergometer. IJSPP 8(6): 663-670, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2012). A prediction method for squat in restricted and unrestricted rectangular fairways. Ocean Eng. 55(1): 71-80., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G.; Candries, M. (2012). Mathematical modelling of forces acting on ships during lightering operations. Ocean Eng. 55(1): 101-115., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K.; Verwilligen, J.; Lataire, E. (2010). Squat prediction in muddy navigation areas. Ocean Eng. 37(16): 1464-1476., meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (3) [show] |
He, H.; Lataire, E.; Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Delefortrie, G. (2023). A ship manoeuvring desktop simulator for developing and validating automatic control algorithms. TransNav 17(3): 607-616., meer
- Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Verwilligen, J. (2023). Manoeuvring in shallow and confined waters. Nav. Archit. oct.: [1-4], meer
- Brouwers, B.; van Beeck, J.; Lataire, E. (2022). Acoustic attenuation of cohesive sediments (mud) at high ultrasound frequencies. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 47: 070009., meer
Boeken (9) [show] |
- Candries, M.; Lataire, E.; Yuan, Z.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G. (Ed.) (2022). 6th MASHCON - International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with special focus on port manoeuvres, 22 - 26 May 2022, Glasgow, UK. Ghent University. Maritime Technology Division/Flanders Hydraulics Research/University of Strathclyde Glasgow: Ghent. XVIII, 355 pp., meer
- Mansuy, M.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2022). Can larger ships sail through Paris? [POSTER]. Presented at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Research Symposium 2022 (FEARS 2022). Ghent University. Maritime Technology Division/Flanders Hydraulics Research: Ghent. 1 poster pp., meer
- van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2022). Autonomous ship control in shallow and confined water [POSTER], in: Autonomous Ships Conference, 31 march - 1 april 2022, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London: conference proceedings. pp. 1 poster, meer
Lataire, E. (2021). Vastgelopen containerschip Ever Given op het Suezkanaal [PRESENTATION]. PIANC: Brussels. 45 slides pp., meer
- Candries, M.; Lataire, E.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G. (2019). 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium: conference proceedings. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University. Maritime Technology Division: Antwerp. XIX, 534 pp., meer
- Uliczka, K.; Böttner, C.-U.; Kastens, M.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Candries, M.; Lataire, E. (Ed.) (2016). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with Special Focus on Ship Bottom Interaction, Hamburg, Germany, 23 to 25 May 2016 (4th MASHCON). Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau: Karlsruhe. ISBN 978-3-939230-38-0. XVIII, 314 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2015). Hydrodynamic influence of different sloped banks on an inland vessel [PRESENTATION]. Presented at the SHF congress "Hydrodynamics and simulation applied to inland waterway and port approaches". Ghent University. Maritime Technology Division/Flanders Hydraulics Research: Ghent. 45 slides pp., meer
- Lataire, E. (2014). Effect of fluid mud on navigation of deep-drafted vessels [PRESENTATION]. Presented at the Seminário Internacional em Portos e Hidrovias, Rio de Janeiro, 10 a 12 de setembro 2014. Ghent University/Flanders Hydraulics Research: Ghent. 46 slides pp., meer
- Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Candries, M. (Ed.) (2013). Third international conference on ship manoeuvring in shallow and confined water: with non-exclusive focus on ship behaviour in locks, 3-5 June 2013, Ghent, Belgium. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects/Ghent University/Flanders Hydraulics Research: London. ISBN 978-1-909024-17-5. 352 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (46) [show] |
- Delefortrie, G.; Verwilligen, J.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2024). Exact and approximated solutions to the critical ship speeds in canals, in: Schonees, J.S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35TH PIANC WORLD CONGRESS 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 April – 03 May 2024. pp. 649-654, meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Verwilligen, J.; Lataire, E. (2024). The effect of asymmetry on the ship’s squat when sailing along an approach channel, in: Schonees, J.S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35TH PIANC WORLD CONGRESS 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 April – 03 May 2024. pp. 710-717, meer
- Donatini, L.; Herdayanditya, I.; Verao Fernandez, G.; Brama Krishna Pribadi, A.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2022). Implementation of forward speed effects on an open source seakeeping solver, in: Candries, M. et al. 6th MASHCON - International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with special focus on port manoeuvres, 22 - 26 May 2022, Glasgow, UK. pp. 19-33, meer
- Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2022). Passing ship effects in shallow and confined water: open model test Data for validation purposes, in: Candries, M. et al. 6th MASHCON - International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with special focus on port manoeuvres, 22 - 26 May 2022, Glasgow, UK. pp. 254-283, meer
- Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2022). Autonomous ship control in shallow and confined water, in: Autonomous Ships Conference, 31 march - 1 april 2022, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London: conference proceedings. pp. [1-8], meer
- Verwilligen, J.; Lataire, E.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Eloot, K. (2022). Evaluation of bank effects on a bulk carrier in a confined channel based on towing tank tests and full-scale measurement, in: Candries, M. et al. 6th MASHCON - International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with special focus on port manoeuvres, 22 - 26 May 2022, Glasgow, UK. pp. 284-298, meer
- Chen, C.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2019). An energy-efficient adaptive course control system for ocean surface ships, in: 11th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany, September 22-25, 2019. pp. [1-10], meer
- Chen, C.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Delefortrie, G.; Mei, T.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Parameter estimation for a ship’s roll response model in shallow water using an intelligent machine learning method, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium. pp. 51-59, meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Troch, P.; Monbaliu, J. (2019). Coastal & ocean basin and towing tank for manoeuvres in shallow water at Flanders Maritime Laboratory, in: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’19): book of abstract. pp. 36, meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Troch, P.; Monbaliu, J. (2019). Coastal & ocean basin and towing tank for manoeuvres in shallow water at Flanders Maritime Laboratory, in: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’19): proceedings. pp. [1-15], meer
- Donatini, L.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Delefortrie, G.; Villagómez, J.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2019). Experimental and numerical evaluation of the added wave resistance for an ultra large container ship in shallow water, in: 11th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany, September 22-25, 2019. pp. [1-13], meer
- Geerts, S.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Troch, P. (2019). Flanders Maritime Laboratory, new large scale facilities for towing tank and wave basin research, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling and Measuring Technology (ISHMMT 2018), 30th May - 1st June, Nanjing, China. pp. [1-7], meer
- Gourlay, T.P.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G.; Donatini, L.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Veen, D.; Bunnik, T.; Dallinga, R. (2019). Benchmarking of DIFFRAC, FATIMA, HYDROSTAR, MOSES, NEMOH, OCTOPUS, PDSTRIP, RAPID, SEAWAY, SLENDERFLOW and WAMIT against measured vertical motions of the Duisburg test case container ship in shallow water, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium. pp. 156-163, meer
- Mei, T.; Delefortrie, G.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Chen, C.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Zou, Z. (2019). Numerical and experimental study on the wave-body interaction problem with the effect of forward speed and finite water depth in regular waves, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium. pp. 286-295, meer
- Mei, T.; Liu, Y.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E.; Chen, C.; Zou, Z. (2019). A hybrid method for predicting ship maneuverability in regular waves, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering. pp. 9., meer
- Tello Ruiz, M.; Villagómez, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2019). Parametric rolling in regular head waves of the Kriso container ship: numerical and experimental investigation in shallow water, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7A: Ocean Engineering, June 9–14, 2019 Glasgow, Scotland, UK. pp. [1-9]., meer
- Tello Ruiz, M.; Mansuy, M.; Donatini, L.; Villagómez, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Wave effects on the turning ability of an ultra large container ship in shallow water, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7A: Ocean Engineering, June 9–14, 2019 Glasgow, Scotland, UK. pp. [1-10]., meer
- Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Donatini, L.; Van Hoydonck, W.; Lataire, E. (2019). Wind modeling for large container vessels: a critical review of the calculation procedure, in: Maritime Transport 2019: International Conference on Maritime Transportation 2019, 10-12 September 2019, Rome, Italy. pp. [1-12], meer
- van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2019). Sailing in shallow water waves with the DTC container carrier: open model test data for validation purposes, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium. pp. 412-421, meer
- van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Eloot, K.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2019). A mooring arrangement optimisation study, in: 11th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany, September 22-25, 2019. pp. [1-12], meer
- Chen, C.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Verwilligen, J. (2018). Intelligent control strategies used in fast time ship manoeuvring simulations, in: MARSIM 2018, Halifax, Canada, 12 - 16 August 2018. pp. [1-17], meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Verwilligen, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Mansuy, M.; Chen, C. (2018). Systematic techniques for fairway evaluation based on ship manoeuvring simulations, in: Proceedings of the 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama. pp. [1-13], meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Verwilligen, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Mansuy, M.; Chen, C. (2018). Systematic techniques for fairway evaluation based on ship manoeuvring simulations, in: 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama: abstracts. pp. 230-231, meer
Lataire, E. (2017). Hydrodynamic interaction between waterway and ship, in: PIANC Yearbook 2016. pp. [1-6], meer
- Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Candries, M.; Verwilligen, J. (2017). Maneuvering in shallow and confined water, in: Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (EMOE). pp. [1-17]., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E.; Van Hoydonck, W.; Vantorre, M. (2016). Captive model tests based 6 DOF shallow water manoeuvring model, in: Uliczka, K. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with Special Focus on Ship Bottom Interaction, Hamburg, Germany, 23 to 25 May 2016 (4th MASHCON). pp. 273-286, meer
- Eloot, K.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2016). Running sinkage and trim of the DTC container carrier in harmonic sway and yaw motion: open model test data for validation purposes, in: Uliczka, K. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with Special Focus on Ship Bottom Interaction, Hamburg, Germany, 23 to 25 May 2016 (4th MASHCON). pp. 251-261, meer
- Gourlay, T.P.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2016). Application of potential flow methods to ship squat in different canal widths, in: Uliczka, K. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with Special Focus on Ship Bottom Interaction, Hamburg, Germany, 23 to 25 May 2016 (4th MASHCON). pp. 146-155, meer
- Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M. (2016). Impact of banks on ship squat, in: Uliczka, K. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with Special Focus on Ship Bottom Interaction, Hamburg, Germany, 23 to 25 May 2016 (4th MASHCON). pp. 115-121, meer
- Gourlay, T.P.; von Graefe, A.; Shigunov, V.; Lataire, E. (2015). Comparison of AQWA, GL Rankine, MOSES, OCTOPUS, PDStrip and WAMIT with model test results for cargo ship wave-induced motions in shallow water, in: Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2015, May 31-June 5, 2015, St-John's, NL, Canada. pp. [1-10], meer
Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2015). The influence of the ship’s speed and distance to an arbitrarily shaped bank on bank effects, in: Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2015, May 31-June 5, 2015, St-John's, NL, Canada. pp. [1-15], meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2015). Longitudinally directed bank effects, in: MARSIM 2015, International Conference On Ship Manoeuvrability And Maritime Simulation, 8th – 11th September 2015, Newcastle University, United Kingdom: proceedings. pp. [1-14], meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2015). Hydrodynamic influence of different sloped banks on an inland vessel, in: Congrès SHF: Hydrodynamics and simulation applied to inland waterway and port approaches, 18-19 november 2015. pp. 1-13, meer
Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E.; Candries, M.; Van Doorn, J.; van Heel, D. (2013). An equivalent bottom for navigation above irregular bottoms, in: Van Lancker, V. et al. (Ed.) MARID 2013: Fourth International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Bruges, Belgium, 15-17 April 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 65: pp. 301-308, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2012). Squat in open and confined canals: comparison between empirical methods and towing tank measurements, in: MARSIM 2012, 23-27 April, Singapore: abstracts and papers. pp. [1-15], meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Vandenbroucke, J.; Eloot, K. (2011). Ship to ship interaction forces during lightering operations, in: Pettersen, B. et al. (Ed.) 2nd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Ship to Ship Interaction, May 18 - 20, 2011, Trondheim, Norway. pp. 211-222, meer
- Zou, L.; Larsson, L.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E. (2011). CFD prediction and validation of ship-bank interaction in a canal, in: Pettersen, B. et al. (Ed.) 2nd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Ship to Ship Interaction, May 18 - 20, 2011, Trondheim, Norway. pp. 413-422, meer
- Debaillon, P.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2009). Bank effect on ship squat, in: Eloot, K. et al. (Ed.) International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Bank Effects. pp. 31-37, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2009). Systematic model tests on ship-bank interaction effects, in: Eloot, K. et al. (Ed.) International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Bank Effects. pp. 9-22, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2009). Captive model testing for ship-to-ship operations, in: International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrability 2009 (MARSIM'09). pp. [1-10], meer
- Lataire, E. (2008). Workmeeting WP3 Real Time Models for Interaction Forces, 28 May 2008, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology [PRESENTATION], in: Nautical and Control Aspects for Operational Safety & Efficiency and Real time models for interaction forces: presentations at Tokyo, Japan Joint Workshop 28 May. Investigating hydrodynamic aspects and control strategies for ship-to-ship operations [CD-ROM]. pp. 27 slides, meer
Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2008). Ship-bank interaction induced by irregular bank geometries, in: Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, October 5-10, 2008, Seoul, Korea. pp. 1-13, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2008). Het wel en wee van 'drijven' en 'varen'. De studie van de afdeling Maritieme Techniek, in: Goffin, A. et al. (Ed.) UGent aan Zee. pp. 89-91, meer
Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G. (2007). Navigation in confined waters: influence of bank characteristics on ship-bank interaction, in: [s.d.] Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference On Marine Research And Transportation, Ischia, Naples, Italy, 28-30 june 2007. pp. [1-9], meer
Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E.; Eloot, K.; Richter, J.; Verwilligen, J.; Lataire, E. (2007). Ship motions in shallow water as the base for a probabilistic approach policy, in: (2008). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Offschore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2008), Estoril, Portugal, 15-20 June, 2008. pp. [1-10], meer
- Lataire, E. (2006). Forces, moments and motions induced by the vicinity of banks on a sailing vessel, in: 7e UGent - FirW Doctoraatssymposium. , meer
Thesissen (5) [show] |
- Chen, C. (2021). Numerical and experimental study on ship motion control systems in shallow water. PhD Thesis. Ghent University: Ghent. ISBN 9789463554961. xix, 313 pp., meer
- Lataire, E. (2015). Experiment based mathematical modelling of ship-bank interaction. PhD Thesis. Ghent University. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. ISBN 978-90-8578-748-8. xxix, 269 pp., meer
- Cantaert, J. (2014). The effect of bottom variations in a probabilistic access policy. MSc Thesis. Ghent University. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. 101 pp., meer
- Arts, J.-A. (2013). Ontwikkeling van een autopilot voor targetschepen tijdens real-time simulaties. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Civiele Techniek: Gent. 202 pp., meer
- De Landsheer, T. (2013). Optimalisatie van de estuaire scheepvaart. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Civiele Techniek: Gent. IV, 95 pp., meer
Abstracts (7) [show] |
- Brouwers, B.; Lataire, E.; van Beeck, J. (2021). The monitoring of flow mechanics in cohesive sediment layers, in: INTERCOH2021, 13-17 September 2021 - Delft, The Netherlands: book of abstracts. pp. 100, meer
Herdayanditya, I.; Rauwoens, P.; Lataire, E. (2021). Vessel motion prediction near a monopile offshore wind turbine, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 65-66, meer
Pribadi, A.B.K.; Donatini, L.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2018). Cultivating mussels in the Belgian North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 107, meer
Lataire, E. (2015). Experiment based mathematical modelling of ship-bank interaction, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 182-183, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Delefortrie, G. (2012). Squat in open and confined fairways, in: MARSIM 2012, 23-27 April, Singapore: abstracts and papers. pp. [1-2], meer
- Lataire, E.; Eloot, K. (2010). Safe and smooth through a shallow fairway, in: Maritime and navigation risk conference 2010 (MNRC 2010), April 7-8 2010, Hyatt Regency Montreal, Canada: Managing and reducing the risk of maritime activities. pp. 16, meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2009). Sailing through a shallow sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 79, meer
Rapporten (24) [show] |
- Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2024). Nautische toegankelijkheid Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen voor scheepsbreedte tot 38.5 m: Eindrapport – Impactstudie bodemprofiel en Full Mission Bridge simulaties. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 23_116_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 129 + 49 p. bijl pp., meer
- Candries, M.; Lataire, E.; Eloot, K.; Mostaert, F. (2021). Kenniscentrum "Varen in ondiep en beperkt water": deelrapport 54. Rapport activiteiten januari-april 2021. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 00_096_54. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. VIII, 5 + 60 p. bijl. pp., meer
- Candries, M.; Lataire, E.; Eloot, K.; Mostaert, F. (2020). Kenniscentrum “Varen in ondiep en beperkt water”: deelrapport 50. Rapport activiteiten januari – maart 2020. Versie 2.0. WL Rapporten, 00_096_50. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. VIII, 5 + 68 p. bijl. pp., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Mostaert, F. (2020). Design towing carriage: sub report 2. Site acceptance tests. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 16_107_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 22 pp., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Geerts, S.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Second towing tank: towing carriage: sub report 1. Design criteria. version 4.0. FHR reports, 16_107_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VIII, 26 pp., meer
- Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Mostaert, F. (2017). 3E‐optimisation of rudder performance: sub report 2. Validation report. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 17_066_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 13 pp., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2016). Overgangsverschijnselen bij oevereffecten: deelrapport 1. Proevenprogramma. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 15_100_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. VIII, 24 pp., meer
- Geerts, S.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2016). Bouw 2de sleeptank: deelrapport 4. Update randvoorwaarden sleepwagen. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 12_005. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. IV, 26 pp., meer
- Delefortrie, G.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2014). Bouw 2de sleeptank: deelrapport 3. Randvoorwaarden sleepwagen. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 12_005. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 23 pp., meer
Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E.; Mostaert, F. (2008). Invloed van een ophoging van het sternenschiereiland op oevereffecten. WL Adviezen, 741/3. Universiteit Gent/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 11 pp., meer
- Hoang-Tri, T.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2007). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door talluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem: zesde driemaandelijks verslag. Handleiding Hull778. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 43 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E. (2007). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem. Confidentieel. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 160 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E. (2007). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem. Confidentieel. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 160 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E. (2007). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem. Versie 2.0. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 61 + bijlagen pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E. (2007). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem. Versie 2.0. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 61 + bijlagen pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Laforce, E. (2006). Oostende RoRo 187: een aanvulling op model 781. WL Rapporten, 781_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. i, 8 + appendices pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Laforce, E. (2006). Oostende RoRo 187: een aanvulling op model 781. WL Rapporten, 781_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. i, 8 + appendices pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2006). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem: vierde driemaandelijks verslag 1 juli 2006 - 30 september 2006. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 22 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Eloot, K.; Laforce, E.; Mostaert, F. (2005). Haven van Antwerpen. Strategisch plan Waaslandhaven. Simulatorstudie Deurgancksluis: deel 2. Vaarbaanplots. WL Rapporten, 620. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 132 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Eloot, K.; Laforce, E.; Mostaert, F. (2005). Haven van Antwerpen. Strategisch plan Waaslandhaven. Simulatorstudie Deurgancksluis: deel 2. Vaarbaanplots. WL Rapporten, 620. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 132 pp., meer
Lataire, E.; Laforce, E.; Mostaert, F. (2005). De current deflecting wall aan het Deurganckdok: simulatorstudie. WL Rapporten, 782. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. VI, 18 + appendices, figures, maps pp., meer
Lataire, E.; Laforce, E.; Mostaert, F. (2005). Haven van Oostende. Simulatorstudie vaargeul 143°: deel 2. Vaarbaanplots. WL Rapporten, 781. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 122 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E. (2005). Leveren van wetenschappelijke bijstand voor het uitvoeren van proeven en het opstellen van wiskundige manoeuvreermodellen voor oeverzuigingseffecten op schepen veroorzaakt door taluds, randen van platen en hellende bodem: deelopdracht 1. opmaken van een proevenprogramma voor modelproeven in de sleeptank voor manoeuvres in open water met een LNG-schip. WL Rapporten, 778. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Universiteit Gent: Antwerpen. 26 pp., meer
- Lataire, E.; Laforce, E.; Mostaert, F. (2005). Haven van Oostende. Simulatorstudie vaargeul 143°: deel 1. Verslag simulatoronderzoek. WL Rapporten, 781. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. III, 21 + appendices, figures pp., meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
- Delefortrie, G.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2020). Knowledge Centre for Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water. KANRIN: Bulletin of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers 93: 19-23, meer
- van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Donatini, L.; Van Hoydonck, W.; Lataire, E. (2019). Wind modeling for large container vessels: a critical review of the calculation procedure. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration 3(4): 369-381., meer
- Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2009). Sailing through a shallow sea [POSTER]. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek: Gent. 1 poster pp., meer
Thesis (co-)promotor (14) [show] |
Thesis begeleider (8) [show] |
- He, H. (2025). Autonomous Navigation in Complex Interactions. PhD Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. ISBN 978-94-6355-943-0. xxviii, 448 pp., meer
- Brouwers, B. (2024). Monitoring fluid dynamics of mud. PhD Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. ISBN 978-94-6355-917-1. xxxiii, 279 pp., meer
- Mussche, W. (2024). Determination of the influence width based on CFD computations. MSc Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. 99 pp., meer
- Bosmans, R. (2022). Memory effect and wind gusts in the simulation of moored vessels. MSc Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. VIII, 82 pp., meer
- Cromheeke, L. (2022). Wind force modelling on ships in an atmospheric boundary layer using CFD. MSc Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. xix, 77 pp., meer
- De Jonghe, J. (2022). Ship resistance and powering simulations using OpenFOAM. MSc Thesis. Ghent University: Ghent. vi, 99 pp., meer
- Chen, C. (2021). Numerical and experimental study on ship motion control systems in shallow water. PhD Thesis. Ghent University: Ghent. ISBN 9789463554961. xix, 313 pp., meer
- Arts, J.-A. (2013). Ontwikkeling van een autopilot voor targetschepen tijdens real-time simulaties. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Civiele Techniek: Gent. 202 pp., meer