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Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Toegepaste Mechanica (MECH), meer
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Publicaties (21) |
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A1 publicaties (8) [show] |
Chesterman, X.; Verstraeten, T.; Daems, P.J.; Nowé, A.; Helsen, J. (2023). Overview of normal behavior modeling approaches for SCADA-based wind turbine condition monitoring demonstrated on data from operational wind farms. Wind Energy Science 8(6): 893-924., meer
- Daems, P.-J.; Peeters, C.; Matthys, J.; Verstraeten, T.; Helsen, J. (2023). Fleet-wide analytics on field data targeting condition and lifetime aspects of wind turbine drivetrains. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research 87(1): 285-295., meer
Nejad, A.R.; Keller, J.; Guo, Y.; Sheng, S.; Polinder, H.; Watson, S.; Dong, J.; Qin, Z.; Ebrahimi, A.; Schelenz, R.; Gutiérrez Guzmán, F.; Cornel, D.; Golafshan, R.; Jacobs, G.; Blockmans, B.; Carroll, J.; Koukoura, S.; Hart, E.; McDonald, A.; Natarajan, A.; Torsvik, J.; Moghadam, F.K.; Daems, P.-J.; Verstraeten, T.; Peeters, C.; Helsen, J. (2022). Wind turbine drivetrains: state-of-the-art technologies and future development trends. Wind Energy Science 7(1): 387-411., meer
Vemuri, A.; Buckingham, S.; Munters, W.; Helsen, J.; van Beeck, J. (2022). Sensitivity analysis of mesoscale simulations to physics parameterizations over the Belgian North Sea using Weather Research and Forecasting - Advanced Research WRF (WRF-ARW). Wind Energy Science 7(5): 1869-1888., meer
- Daems, P.-J.; Verstraeten, T.; Peeters, C.; Helsen, J. (2021). Effects of wake on gearbox design load cases identified from fleet-wide operational data. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research 85: 553-558., meer
- Helsen, J. (2021). Review of research on condition monitoring for improved O&M of offshore wind turbine drivetrains. Acoustics Australia 49(2): 251-258., meer
- Verstraeten, T.; Nowe, A.; Keller, J.; Guo, Y.; Sheng, S.W.; Helsen, J. (2019). Fleetwide data-enabled reliability improvement of wind turbines. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 109: 428-437., meer
El-Kafafy, M.; Devriendt, C.; Guillaume, P.; Helsen, J. (2017). Automatic tracking of the modal parameters of an offshore wind turbine drivetrain system. Energies (Basel) 10(4): 574., meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (3) [show] |
Robbelein, K.; Daems, P.-J.; Verstraeten, T.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Helsen, J.; Devriendt, C. (2023). Effect of curtailment scenarios on the loads and lifetime of offshore wind turbine generator support structures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2507: 012013., meer
Koukoura, S.; Peeters, C.; Helsen, J.; Carroll, J. (2020). Investigating parallel multi-step vibration processing pipelines for planetary stage fault detection in wind turbine drivetrains. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618(2): 022054., meer
Helsen, J.; Gioia, N.; Peeters, C.; Jordaens, P.J. (2017). Integrated condition monitoring of a fleet of offshore wind turbines with focus on acceleration streaming processing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 842: 012052., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (9) [show] |
- Peeters, C.; Antoni, J.; Leclère, Q.; Helsen, J. (2021). Performance analysis of tacholess rotation speed estimation methods for condition monitoring of gearboxes of offshore wind farm, in: ASME 2021 3rd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference. pp. V001T01A019., meer
- El-Kafafy, M.; Gioia, N.; Guillaume, P.; Helsen, J. (2019). Long-term automatic tracking of the modal parameters of an offshore wind turbine drivetrain system in standstill condition, in: Di Maio, D. (Ed.) Rotating machinery, vibro-acoustics & laser vibrometry, volume 7. pp. 91-99., meer
- Gioia, N.; Daems, P.J.; Peeters, C.; Guillaume, P.; Helsen, J.; Medico, R.; Deschrijver, D. (2019). Gaining insight in wind turbine drivetrain dynamics by means of automatic operational modal analysis combined with machine learning algorithms, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy. pp. 7, meer
- Gioia, N.; Daems, P.J.; Peeters, C.; El-Kafafy, M.; Guillaume, P.; Helsen, J. (2019). Influence of the harmonics on the modal behavior of wind turbine drivetrains, in: Di Maio, D. (Ed.) Rotating machinery, vibro-acoustics & laser vibrometry, volume 7. pp. 231-238., meer
- Peeters, C.; Verstraeten, T.; Nowé, A.; Daems, P.-J.; Helsen, J. (2019). Advanced vibration signal procesing using edge computing to monitor wind turbine drivetrains, in: ASME 2019 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference. pp. 6, meer
Gioia, N.; Peeters, C.; Daems, P.J.; Guillaume, P.; Helsen, J. (2018). Dealing with harmonics in continuous modal analysis, in: Desmet, W. et al. Proceedings of ISMA2018 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering &
USD2018 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics. pp. 2819-2828, meer
- El-Kafafy, M.; Colanero, L.; Gioia, N.; Devriendt, C.; Guillaume, P.; Helsen, J. (2017). Modal parameters estimation of an offshore wind turbine using measured acceleration signals from the Drive Train, in: Niezrecki, C. (Ed.) Structural Health Monitoring & Damage Detection, Volume 7. pp. 41-48., meer
- Feremans, L.; Cule, B.; Devriendt, C.; Goethals, B.; Helsen, J. (2017). Pattern mining for learning typical turbine response during dynamic wind turbine events, in: ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1: 37th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. pp. 1-9., meer
- Helsen, J.; De Sitter, G.; Jordaens, P.J. (2016). Long-term monitoring of wind farms using big data approach, in: IEEE BigDataService 2016. Second IEEE international conference on big data computing service and applications, Oxford, United Kingdom. pp. 265-268., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Helsen, J.; Peeters, C.; Doro, P.; Ververs, E.; Jordaens, P.J. (2017). Wind farm operation and maintenance optimization using big data, in: IEEE BigDataService 2017. The Third IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, San Francisco, 6 – 10 April 2017. pp. 179-184., meer