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Het WL onderschrijft het belang van "open access" voor de ontsluiting van haar onderzoeksresultaten. Lees er meer over in ons openaccessbeleid.
Giachini Tosetto Everton, Neumann-Leitão Sigrid, Araujo Moacyr, Minto Dimoune Djoirka, Bertrand Arnaud, Nogueira Junior Miodeli (2012). Abundance data of planktonic cnidarians collected during the Camadas Finas III survey performed along the North Brazilian continental shelf and open ocean. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/93375, meer
Tosetto Everton, Neumann-Leitão Sigrid, Bertrand Arnaud (2024). Abundance data of large microzooplankton collected during the ABRACOS 1 and 2 surveys performed along the northeast Brazilian continental shelf, slope and open ocean. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/98869, meer
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