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Kanaal Gent - Terneuzen: ontwerp Kluizendokken. Deel 2: vaarbaanplots
Laforce, E.; Coen, I.; Smets, E. (1990). Kanaal Gent - Terneuzen: ontwerp Kluizendokken. Deel 2: vaarbaanplots. WL Rapporten, 471. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 105 p. figures pp.
Part of: WL Rapporten. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. , more

Available in  Authors 
Document type: Project report

    Harbours and waterways > Manoeuvring behaviour > Wind
    Harbours and waterways > Ship motion > Fairway and harbour design
    Model studies
    Vulnerability assessment > Risk assessment
    Water > Shallow water
    Belgium, Gent - Terneuzen Canal, Ghent Harbour, Kluizen Docks [Marine Regions]
    Brackish water

Authors  Top 
  • Laforce, E., more
  • Coen, I., more
  • Smets, E.

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