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Microfaunal diversity in a biodiversity hotspot: new rotifers from Southwestern Australia
Segers, H.; Shiel, R.J. (2003). Microfaunal diversity in a biodiversity hotspot: new rotifers from Southwestern Australia. Zool. Stud. 42(4): 516-521
In: Zoological studies. Academia Sinica: Taipei. ISSN 1021-5506; e-ISSN 1810-522X, more
Peer reviewed article  

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    Taxa > Species > New taxa > New species
    Lecane halsei; Lecane noobijupi; Trichocerca wanarra
    ISW, Australia [Marine Regions]

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  • Segers, H., more
  • Shiel, R.J.

    We present the descriptions of 3 new and apparently endemic species of rotifer (Rotifera: Monogononta: Lecanidae, Trichocercidae). Lecane halsei sp. nov. belongs to the L. ludwigii (Eckstein)-group, and is diagnosed by the absence of a posterior projection on the lorica. The taxonomy of the L. ludwigii-group is commented upon. Lecane noobijupi sp. nov. is a sister taxon of the common, cosmopolitan L. bulla (Gosse), whereas Trichocerca wanarra sp. nov. is close to T. insignis (Herrick), T. myersi (Hauer), and T. plaka (Myers), but the trophi are characteristic. The 3 new species illustrate the diversity of the freshwater microfauna in southwestern Australia, and the need for a thorough taxonomic approach to biodiversity inventories of cryptic microfaunal groups.

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