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Phytoplankton primary production and biomass in the western Wadden Sea (The Netherlands); a comparison with an ecosystem model
Veldhuis, M.J.W.; Colijn, F.; Venekamp, L.A.H.; Villerius, L. (1988). Phytoplankton primary production and biomass in the western Wadden Sea (The Netherlands); a comparison with an ecosystem model. Neth. J. Sea Res. 22(1): 37-49
In: Netherlands Journal of Sea Research. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ): Groningen; Den Burg. ISSN 0077-7579; e-ISSN 1873-1406, more
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    Brackish water

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  • Veldhuis, M.J.W.
  • Colijn, F., more
  • Venekamp, L.A.H.
  • Villerius, L.

    Dissolved nutrient concentrations (Si, P, N), algal biomass (separated into diatoms and microflagellates), and total primary production were determined in 1986 during 7 cruises in both the inner and outer parts of the estuary of the western Wadden Sea. The biomass data, obtained after converting cell biovolume and cell counts into carbon, were compared with those simulated by a two-dimensional multitrophic ecosystem model. The general pattern of the succession of algal species was the same for all compartments: a bloom of diatoms in early spring followed by one of microflagellates, predominantly the colonial alga Phaeocystis pouchetii. Throughout the year the biomass of the two algal groups differed between inner and outer compartments of the estuary. In spring the carbon biomass of the microflagellates in the compartments bordering on the North Sea exceeded that of the inner compartments by a factor of 2. The reverse was found for the diatoms in summer. A reasonable fit between the field data and simulated data was only obtained in spring; large differences were found for the summer period. During that period an extensive diatom population characterized by a low primary production was observed, which did not correspond with the model simulation. Possible factors causing the differences between observed and simulated data, such as nutrient regeneration, were analysed.

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