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ROPES: Systematic captive tests at Flanders Hydraulics Research: description of complete test program ordered by the Antwerp Port Authority
Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M.; Mostaert, F. (2012). ROPES: Systematic captive tests at Flanders Hydraulics Research: description of complete test program ordered by the Antwerp Port Authority. version 2.0. WL Rapporten, 848_03b. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. V, 30 + 12 p. append., CD-ROM pp.
Part of: WL Rapporten. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. , more

Available in  Authors 
Document type: Project report

    Harbours and waterways > Wave generation by ships > Influence on moored ships
    Physical modelling
Author keywords
    ship to ship interaction

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Proposer: Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf Antwerpen (GHA), more

Authors  Top 
  • Delefortrie, G., more
  • Vantorre, M., more
  • Mostaert, F., more

    ROPES is a joint industry project aiming at providing the partners with software to compute the forces induced by a passing vessel on moored vessels. Both Flanders Hydraulics Research and Ghent University joined the project for € 1 and are committed to the Antwerp Port Authority being an industrial partner in the project. The Antwerp Port Authority wished the software would take account of the specific situation in the harbour of Antwerp:

    The traffic in the Deurganck and the (yet to be built) Saeftinge docks where large sailing container carriers interact with equally large moored container carriers;
    The setup of jetties on the river banks and in the docks to moor tankers that also will be affected by the passing ships;
    The interaction with smaller (inland) vessels.

    To enable the validation of the software with the above conditions FHR wrote a research proposal [3] to the ROPES’ steering committee, in this report referred to as program A. The Antwerp Port Authority ordered additional tests as described in [4] (program B) and [5] (program C). This report enables the reader to interpret the results of the tests that were carried out in programs A, B and C.

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