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Do abyssal scavengers use phytodetritus as a food resource? Video and biochemical evidence from the Atlantic and Mediterranean
Jeffreys, R.M.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Witbaard, R. (2011). Do abyssal scavengers use phytodetritus as a food resource? Video and biochemical evidence from the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 58(4): 415-428.
In: Deep-Sea Research, Part I. Oceanographic Research Papers. Elsevier: Oxford. ISSN 0967-0637; e-ISSN 1879-0119, more
Peer reviewed article  

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Author keywords
    Deep-sea; Phytodetritus; Fish; Invertebrates; Scavengers; Diet; Fattyacids; Megafauna; Isotopes; Atlantic; Mediterranean

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  • Jeffreys, R.M., more
  • Lavaleye, M.S.S., more
  • Bergman, M.J.N., more
  • Duineveld, G.C.A., more
  • Witbaard, R., more

    Deep-sea benthic communities derive their energetic requirements from overlying surface water production, which is deposited at the seafloor as phytodetritus. Benthic invertebrates are the primary consumers of this food source, with deep-sea fish at the top of the trophic hierarchy. Recently, we demonstrated with the use of baited cameras that macrourid fish rapidly respond to and feed vigorously on large plant food falls mimicked by spinach (Jeffreys et al., 2010). Since higher plant remains are scarce in the deep-sea, with the exception of canyons, where terrestrial material has been observed, these results led us to ask if a more commonly documented plant material i.e. phytodetritus might form a food source for deep-sea fish and mobile scavenging megafauna. We simulated a phytodetritus dump at the seafloor in two contrasting environments (1) the NE Atlantic where carpets of phytodetritus have been previously observed and (2) the oligotrophic western Mediterranean, where the deposition of phytodetritus at the seafloor is a rare occurrence. We recorded the response of the scavenging fauna using an in situ benthic lander equipped with baited time-lapse cameras. In the NE Atlantic at 3000 m, abyssal macrourids and cusk-eels were observed ingesting the phytodetritus. The phytodetrital patch was significantly diminished within 2 h. Abundance estimates calculated from first arrival times of macrourids at the phytodetrital patch in the Atlantic corresponded with abundance estimates from video-transect indicating that fish were attracted to the scent of phytodetrital bait. In contrast to this, in the western Mediterranean at 2800 m a single macrourid was observed investigating the phytodetrital patch but did not feed from it. The phytodetrital patch was significantly diminished within 6.5 h as a result of mainly invertebrate activity. At 1900 m, Lepidion lepidion was observed near the lander and the bait, but did not feed. The phytodetrital patch remained intact until the end of the experiment. In the deployments in the Mediterranean abundance estimates from first arrival times at the bait, corrected for their body size, were lower than estimates obtained from video-transects and trawl catches. This suggests that the Mediterranean fish were not readily attracted to this food source. In contrast, invertebrates in the Balearic Sea were observed ingesting the phytodetritus bait despite the rare occurrence of phytodetritus dumps in the Mediterranean. Stable isotope values of the fish at both study sites, set within the context of the benthic food web, did not demonstrate a strong trophic link to phytodetritus. Fatty acid profiles of these fish indicated a strong link between their lipid pool and primary producers i.e. phytoplankton, which may be attributed to trophic transfer. The usefulness of fatty acid biomarkers in ascertaining deep-sea fish diets is discussed. Our study suggests that the abyssal grenadier C. armatus on the Atlantic Iberian margin is attracted to phytodetritus. However the exact contribution of this food source to the diet of macrourids in this area remains unresolved.

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