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Flanders Hydraulics Research: expertise in movement
Flanders Hydraulics Research (2016). Flanders Hydraulics Research: expertise in movement. Government of Flanders, Department of Mobility and Public Works: Brussels. 36 pp.
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Flanders Hydraulics (2024). Flanders Hydraulics: experts in motion [BROCHURE]. Government of Flanders, Department of Mobility and Public Works: Brussels. 35 pp., more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: expertise in movement

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Document type: Brochure

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  • Flanders Hydraulics Research, more

    'Flanders Hydraulics Research: expertise in movement' gives an overview of what Flanders Hydraulics Research (FHR) does and describes the domains of expertise ‘harbours and waterways’, ‘water management’, ‘hydraulics and sediment’ and ‘hydraulic structures’. The instruments and installations both field measurements, physical (scale) models, ship simulators and mathematical models are briefly described to give potential customers an idea of the possible solutions FHR can offer.

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