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Rotifera VIII - A comparative approach: Proceedings of the VIIIth international rotifer symposium, held in Collegeville, Minn., U.S.A., 22-27 June 1997
Wurdak, E.; Wallace, R.; Segers, H. (1998). Rotifera VIII - A comparative approach: Proceedings of the VIIIth international rotifer symposium, held in Collegeville, Minn., U.S.A., 22-27 June 1997. Developments in Hydrobiology, 134. Springer Science+Business Media: Dordrecht. ISBN 978-94-010-6009-7; e-ISBN 978-94-011-4782-8. 498 pp.
Part of: Dumont, H.J. (Ed.) Developments in Hydrobiology. Kluwer Academic/Springer: The Hague; London; Boston; Dordrecht. ISSN 0167-8418, more

Authors  Top 
  • Wurdak, E., editor
  • Wallace, R., editor
  • Segers, H., editor, more

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