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Modelling water availability and water allocation strategies in the Scheldt basin: Sub report 4-1. Analyses of hydrological models for climate change modelling – NAM
Naranjo, P.; Maroy, E.; Velez, C.; De Boeck, K.; Pereira, F.; Nossent, J.; Mostaert, F. (2021). Modelling water availability and water allocation strategies in the Scheldt basin: Sub report 4-1. Analyses of hydrological models for climate change modelling – NAM. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 00_162_4-1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 71 + 244 p. app. pp.
Part of: FHR reports. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp, more
Modelling water availability and water allocation strategies in the Scheldt basin: Sub report 4-1. Analyses of hydrological models for climate change modelling – NAM

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Document type: Project report

    Earth sciences > Geology > Hydrology
    Numerical modelling
    Standardization > Calibration
    Water management > Hydrology > Conceptual models
    Belgium, Schelde R. [Marine Regions]
Author keywords

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  • Modellering van waterbeschikbaarheid en allocaties, more

Authors  Top 
  • Naranjo, P.
  • Maroy, E.
  • Velez, C., more
  • De Boeck, K., more

    The water balance model of the Scheldt basin will be used in order to perform low flow forecasts and calculate climate change scenarios. Within the current subtask is investigated which is the most appropriate hydrological model for the sub catchments of the water balance model of the Scheldt basin in order to meet this prerequisite. This sub report describes the recalibration and evaluation of NAM models, which are part of the MIKE 11 software package (DHI, 2009).
    The optimization during calibration is performed based on an automatic procedure, followed by a visual control. During the optimization routine the parameter sets are selected based on 2 criteria: (1) absolute error on cumulated total flow at each time step, and (2) logarithmic Nash-Sutcliff efficiency. The first criterion aims to model the global flow pattern, the latter focuses mainly on the low flows.
    Overall, the performance of the updated NAM models, is substantially improved compared to the original NAM models. The summarized results for each of the gauged sub catchments within the study area, allow the user to get insight in the performance of the NAM model for each of the involved sub catchments. Based on this information and the evaluation of the PDM, VHM and WETSPA models, the user can make a well-grounded decision on which model to use for the considered objective.

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