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The succession of benthic micrometazoans in a brackish water habitat
Heip, C.H.R. (1971). The succession of benthic micrometazoans in a brackish water habitat. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 39: 191-196
In: Biologisch Jaarboek (Dodonaea). Koninklijk Natuurwetenschappelijk Genootschap Dodonaea: Gent. ISSN 0366-0818, more

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    Aquatic communities > Benthos
    Ecological succession
    Environments > Aquatic environment > Brackishwater environment
    Belgium, Knokke-Heist, Dievengat [Marine Regions]
    Brackish water

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  • Heip, C.H.R., more

    During the investigation of a shallow brackish water pond in northern Belgium, attention was paid to the quantitative occurrence of several micro-metazoan groups of the benthos: hydrozoa, oligochaeta, nematoda, copepoda and ostracoda. These groups show a succession in time, each group having a different moment of maximum abundance.

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