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Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone
Johansson, T.B.; Van Grieken, R.E.; Winchester, J.W. (1974). Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone. J. Rech. Atmosphériques 1974: 761-776
In: Journal de Recherches Atmosphériques. ISSN 0021-7972, more
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Johansson, T.B.; Van Grieken, R.E.; Winchester, J.W. (2003). Marine influences on aerosol composition in the coastal zone, in: Van Grieken, R. Application for the 2003 VLIZ-HYDRO Award Dr. Edouard Delcroix. Quality of the marine air: an overview of 30 years of research. pp. 16, more

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  • Johansson, T.B.
  • Van Grieken, R.E., more
  • Winchester, J.W.

    Biased data set averaging has been used to examine aerosol elemental composition data for air mass directional effects. Samples collected in north Florida during spring and summer 1973 were influenced by local and remote continental sources and additionally by maritime sources when air flow was southerly. Judgments of air movements during the collection of 32 5-stage cascade impactor samples were made by examination of daily surface weather maps, 3-hourly surface winds in Tallahassee, and semi-diurnal balloon soundings to 1,524 meters. Averages of elemental abundances as a function of particle size, determined by proton-induced X-ray emission, PIXE, were computed for a 14-sample set biased towards continental air flow, excluding 12 additional samples where air flow characteristics were variable or periods of very low wind speed were experienced. By regarding Fe to be of continental origin in all samples, the following qualitative indications of provenance were observed: (see table in original text) showing predominance of small, S, or large, L, particles in the size distribution (or neither, S + L), and apparent predominance of continental, C, or marine, M, sources in either size range, with minor or supplementary marine influence, (M).

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