one publication added to basket [352727] | Knowledge Centre for Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water
Delefortrie, G.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2020). Knowledge Centre for Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water. KANRIN: Bulletin of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers 93: 19-23
In: KANRIN: Bulletin of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers: Tokyo. ISSN 1880-3725, more
Keywords |
Harbours and waterways > Interaction with structures Harbours and waterways > Manoeuvring behaviour Harbours and waterways > Safety Harbours and waterways > Safety > Measures to improve safety Harbours and waterways > Ship equipment Harbours and waterways > Ship motion Harbours and waterways > Wave generation by ships In-situ measurements Literature data / expert judgement Numerical modelling Physical modelling Simulations
Author keywords |