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MEMO: Monitoring of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium
Deblauwe, I.; Brosens, D.; De Wolf, K.; Smitz, N.; Vanslembrouck, A.; Schneider, A.; De Witte, J.; Verlé, I.; Dekoninck, W.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T.; Gombeer, S.; Meganck, K.; Vanderheyden, A.; Müller, R.; Van Bortel, W. (2022). MEMO: Monitoring of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium. GigaByte 2022: 1-9.
In: GigaByte. GigaScience Press: Hong Kong. e-ISSN 2709-4715, more
Peer reviewed article  

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    Classification > Taxonomy

Authors  Top 
  • Deblauwe, I.
  • Brosens, D., more
  • De Wolf, K.
  • Smitz, N., more
  • Vanslembrouck, A.
  • Schneider, A.
  • De Witte, J.
  • Verlé, I.
  • Dekoninck, W., more
  • De Meyer, M., more
  • Backeljau, T., more
  • Gombeer, S.
  • Meganck, K.
  • Vanderheyden, A.
  • Müller, R.
  • Van Bortel, W.

    ‘MEMO: Monitoring of Exotic MOsquitoes in Belgium’ is a sampling event dataset published by the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp, Belgium. It forms part of the early detection of exotic mosquito species (EMS) along high-risk introduction routes in Belgium, where data are collected at defined points of entry (PoEs) using a standardised protocol. The MEMO dataset contains mosquito sampling counts performed between 2017 and 2020. MEMO+2020, an extension of the MEMO dataset, contains only Aedes albopictus mosquito trap counts performed in 2020. Here, we present these data published as a standardised Darwin Core archive, which includes, for each sampling event, an eventID, date, location and sampling protocol (in the event core); and an occurrenceID for each occurrence (tube), the number of collected individuals per tube, species status (present/absent), information on the identification and scientific name (in the occurrence extension).

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