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Morphodynamic modelling of the Belgian Coastal zone: Sub report 3. Implementation and testing cross-shore transport processes in GAIA
Kolokythas, G.; Breugem, A.; De Maerschalck, B. (2024). Morphodynamic modelling of the Belgian Coastal zone: Sub report 3. Implementation and testing cross-shore transport processes in GAIA. Version 4.0. FHR reports, 21_104_3. Flanders Hydraulics: Antwerp. VI, 31 pp.
Part of: FHR reports. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp, more
Morphodynamic modelling of the Belgian Coastal zone: Sub report 3. Implementation and testing cross-shore transport processes in GAIA

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Document type: Project report

    Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Tides
    Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Waves 
    Hydraulics and sediment > Sediment > Sediment transport
    Numerical modelling
Author keywords
    Coastal modelling, Cross-shore sediment transport

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  • Beheer bestek WL_2021_23 - Morfologisch onderzoek Kust, Scheldemonding en Westerschelde: Scaldis-Kust, more

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  • Kolokythas, G., more
  • Breugem, W.A., more
  • De Maerschalck, B., more

    The presented report describes the efforts done to make the TELEMAC-MASCARET suite capable of simulating cross-shore sediment transport, which currently is not in the list of the model’s capabilities, through the implementation of the different cross-shore processes in GAIA and TOMAWAC modules.
    Prior to the implementation of the major cross-shore processes in the wave and sediment transport modules of TELEMAC, another well-known model for morphological simulations near the coast, XBeach, which incorporates the most important cross-shore process, is utilized for the reproduction of the results of a well known large scale laboratory experiment (CROSSTEX) for cross-shore transport over a mobile sandy bed.
    The cross-shore processes that found to be of high importance through the XBeach validation, are implemented in GAIA and TOMAWAC modules. The validation of the updated modules is done again by comparison to the CROSSTEX laboratory measurements, considering both erosive and accretive conditions.
    Taking into account the findings of the calibration/validation tests for both models, it is demonstrated that TELEMAC-2D – TOMAWAC – GAIA coupled model presents better behavior in reproducing cross-shore transport under both erosive and accretive conditions, compared to the XBeach model. Note that the comparison was based on the utilization of similar formulations for the considered processes by both models.

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