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Reproductive biology and recruitment of the white sea bream in the Azores
Morato, T.; Afonso, P.; Lourinho, P.; Nash, R.D.M.; Santos, R.S. (2003). Reproductive biology and recruitment of the white sea bream in the Azores. J. Fish Biol. 63(1): 59-72.
In: Journal of Fish Biology. Fisheries Society of the British Isles: London,New York,. ISSN 0022-1112; e-ISSN 1095-8649, more
Peer reviewed article  

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  • Morato, T.
  • Afonso, P.
  • Lourinho, P.
  • Nash, R.D.M.
  • Santos, R.S., more

    The life history of the white sea bream Diplodus sargus in the Azores showed a pattern consistent with digynic hermaphroditism achieving sexual maturity during the second year of life, at 16·7 cm LT. Spawning occurred from March to June at temperatures between 15 and 17° C and the onset and duration of spawning season in the sea bream appeared to be influenced by sea water temperatures. As latitude decreased, both in the northern and southern hemispheres, the spawning season of D. sargus populations started earlier and extended longer, highlighting the potential importance of temperature to the onset and duration of reproduction in this species. Settlement took place from late May to July, and settlers remained in the nursery area for c. 2·5 months. Emigration from the nursery area to join shoals of juveniles occurred from late July to September.

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