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Structure et organisation trophique du peuplement des sables grossiers à Amphioxus lanceolatus-Venus fasciata de la baie de Morlaix (Manche occidentale) = Structure and trophic organization of the Amphioxus lanceolatus-Venus fasciata from Bay of Morlaix (Brittany)
Dauvin, J.-C. (1988). Structure et organisation trophique du peuplement des sables grossiers à Amphioxus lanceolatus-Venus fasciata de la baie de Morlaix (Manche occidentale) = Structure and trophic organization of the Amphioxus lanceolatus-Venus fasciata from Bay of Morlaix (Brittany). Cah. Biol. Mar. 29(2): 163-185
In: Cahiers de Biologie Marine. Station Biologique de Roscoff: Paris. ISSN 0007-9723; e-ISSN 2262-3094, more
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  • Dauvin, J.-C., more

    Structure and trophic organization of the Amphioxus lanceolatus-Venus fasciata community from the Bay of Morlaix were determined from the analysis of thirteen quarterly samples with a Hamon grab (August 1977-August 1980). The total number of species collected was 181, of which 86 were collected only occasionally. Polychaetes, represented nearly 50% of the total species recorded. While numerically dominated by smallsized Polychaetes (Glyceridae, Syllidae and Dorvilleidae), Polygordius lacteus and Glycymeris glycymeris and Venus spp., by weight this coarse sand is dominated by Bivalves, with Glycymeris glycymeris alone accounting for 71% of the total biomass. A comparison of the density and biomass of this community is also made with the few other data available in the literature. The community appeared as a stable and mature benthic community with high diversity and evenness.

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