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Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; Marine Ecology Division; Fishery Biology section, more
Function: Senior scientist
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Tel.: +49-(0)431-600 45 57
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Publications (12) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project |
A1 Publications (8) [show] |
- Uusitalo, L.; Blenckner, T.; Puntila-Dodd, R.; Skyttä, A.; Jernberg, S.; Voss, R.; Müller-Karulis, B.; Tomczak, M.T.; Möllmann, C.; Peltonen, H. (2022). Integrating diverse model results into decision support for good environmental status and blue growth. Sci. Total Environ. 806: 150450., more
Rickels, W.; Weigand, C.; Grasse, P.; Schmidt, J.; Voss, R. (2019). Does the European Union achieve comprehensive blue growth? Progress of EU coastal states in the Baltic and North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean against sustainable development goal 14. Mar. Policy 106: 103515., more
Rindorf, A.; Dichmont, C.M.; Thorson, J.T.; Charles, A.; Clausen, L.W.; Degnbol, P.; Garcia, D.; Hintzen, N.T.; Kempf, A.; Levin, P.S.; Mace, P.M.; Maravelias, C.D.; Minto, C.; Mumford, J.D.; Pascoe, S.; Prellezo, R.; Punt, A.E.; Reid, D.G.; Röckmann, C.; Stephenson, R.L.; Thébaud, O.; Tserpes, G.; Voss, R. (2017). Inclusion of ecological, economic, social, and institutional considerations when setting targets and limits for multispecies fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 74(2): 453-463., more
Petereit, C.; Hinrichsen, H.-H.; Voss, R.; Kraus, G.; Freese, M.; Clemmesen, C. (2009). The influence of different salinity conditions on egg buoyancy and development and yolk sac larval survival and morphometric traits of Baltic Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus Schneider). Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 73(S1): 59-72., more
- Voss, R.; Hinrichsen, H.-H. (2003). Sources of uncertainty in ichthyoplankton surveys: modeling the influence of wind forcing and survey strategy on abundance estimates. J. Mar. Syst. 43(3-4): 87-103., more
- Hinrichsen, H.-H.; Möllmann, C.; Voss, R.; Köster, F.W.; Kornilovs, G. (2002). Biophysical modeling of larval Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) growth and survival. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59(12): 1858-1873., more
- Hinrichsen, H.-H.; St. John, M.; Grønkjaer, P.; Aro, E.; Voss, R. (2001). Testing the larval drift hypothesis in the Baltic Sea: retention versus dispersion caused by wind-driven circulation. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 58(5): 973-984., more
- Köster, F.W.; Möllmann, C.; Neuenfeldt, S.; St. John, M.A.; Plikshs, M.; Voss, R. (2001). Developing Baltic cod recruitment models: 1. Resolving spatial and temporal dynamics of spawning stock and recruitment for cod, herring, and sprat. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58(8): 1516-1533, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Petitgas, P.; Alheit, J.; Beare, D.; Bernal, M.; Casini, M.; Clarke, M.; Cotano, U.; Dickey-Collas, M.; Dransfeld, L.; Harma, C.; Heino, M.; Massé, J.; Möllmann, C.; Nogueira, E.; Reid, D.; Silva, A.; Skaret, G.; Slotte, A.; Stratoudakis, Y.; Uriarte, A.; Voss, R. (2010). Life-cycle spatial patterns of small pelagic fish in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 306. ICES: Copenhagen. ISBN 978-87-7482-081-9. 94 pp., more
Reports (3) [show] |
Schröder, T.; Ladischensky, D.; Schmidt, J.; Voss, R.; Schäfer, K. (Ed.) (2013). World ocean review. Living with the oceans: 2. The future of fish - The fisheries of the future. Maribus: Hamburg. ISBN 978-3-86648-201-2. 143 pp., more
Bollmann, M.; Bosch, T.; Colijn, F.; Ebinghaus, R.; Froese, R.; Güssow, K.; Khalilian, S.; Krastel, S.; Kortzinger, A.; Langenbuch, M.; Latif, M.; Matthiessen, B.; Melzner, F.; Oschlies, A.; Petersen, S.; Proelß, A.; Quaas, M.; Reichenbach, J.; Requate, T.; Reusch, Th.B.H.; Rosenstiel, P.; Schmidt, J.O.; Schrottke, K.; Sichelschmidt, H.; Siebert, U.; Soltwedel, R.; Sommer, U.; Stattegger, K.; Sterr, H.; Sturm, R.; Treude, T.; Vafeidis, A.; van Bernem, C.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; Voss, R.; Visbeck, M.; Wahl, M.; Wallmann, K.; Weinberger, F. (2010). World ocean review. Living with the oceans. Maribus: Hamburg. ISBN 978-3-86648-012-4. 252 pp., more
Grønkjaer, P.; Möllmann, C.; Voss, R. (1995). Abundance and distribution of larval cod (Gadus morhua) in the Bornholm basin. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1995(J:24). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 9 + tables + figures pp., more