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Water quality modelling of the Southern North Sea using TELEMAC-3D coupled with AED2
Kyrousi, F.; Breugem, W.A.; Chu, K.; Gillis, L.G.; Decrop, B. (2022). Water quality modelling of the Southern North Sea using TELEMAC-3D coupled with AED2, in: Bourban, S.E. et al. Proceedings of the XXVIIIth TELEMAC user conference, 18-19 October 2022, Paris-Saclay. pp. 223-230
In: Bourban, S.E. et al. (2022). Proceedings of the XXVIIIth TELEMAC user conference, 18-19 October 2022, Paris-Saclay. EDF Direction Recherche et Développement: Paris-Saclay. 307 pp., more

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Document type: Conference paper

Author keywords
    Water quality; TELEMAC-3D; North Sea, English Channel, AED2

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    The increased number of marine works occurring in the North Sea, such as for offshore renewables infrastructure and aquaculture, gave rise to more frequent Environment Impact Studies in the area. Activities with impact on turbidity or light penetration might have secondary impact on water quality and other aquatic parameters such as primary production and nutrient levels. To study such phenomena, IMDC has recently started the implementation of water quality simulations in TELEMAC-3D. As a basis, the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Southern North Sea and English Channel has been chosen (KaZNo model). TELEMAC-3D was applied coupled to the AED2 library to determine the nutrient cycle, primary production, and zooplankton grazing. The coupling allows to solve the interactions between hydrodynamics (transport, diffusion) and the aquatic ecodynamics. Assumptions were made for river inflow nutrient conditions. This step resulted, after calibrating a number of parameters, in a satisfactory comparison of modelled and in situ monitored seasonal patterns of Chl-a levels.

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