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Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer; DYNECO - Laboratoire Physique Hydrodynamique et Sédimentaire (PHYSED), more
Function: Research engineer
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Tel.: +33-(0)298-22 43 40
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Publications (31) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (14) [show] |
- Chapalain, M.; Verney, R.; Fettweis, M.; Jacquet, M.; Le Berre, D.; Le Hir, P. (2019). Investigating suspended particulate matter in coastal waters using the fractal theory. Ocean Dynamics 69(1): 59-81., more
- Mengual, B.; Cayocca, F.; Le Hir, P.; Draye, R.; Laffargue, P.; Vincent, B.; Garlan, T. (2016). Influence of bottom trawling on sediment resuspension in the ‘Grande-Vasière’ area (Bay of Biscay, France). Ocean Dynamics 66(9): 1181-1207., more
- Jacobs, W.; Le Hir, P.; Van Kesteren, W.; Cann, P. (2011). Erosion threshold of sand-mud mixtures, in: Le Hir, P. et al. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH '07), Brest, France, September 25-28, 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 31(10, Suppl.): pp. S14-S25., more
- Le Hir, P.; Cayocca, F.; Waeles, B. (2011). Dynamics of sand and mud mixtures: a multiprocess-based modelling strategy, in: Le Hir, P. et al. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH '07), Brest, France, September 25-28, 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 31(10, Suppl.): pp. S135-S149., more
- Le Hir, P.; Toorman, E.; Cayocca, F.; Verney, R. (Ed.) (2011). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH '07), Brest, France, September 25-28, 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 31(10, Suppl.). Elsevier: Amsterdam. 210 pp., more
- Verney, R.; Lafite, R.; Brun-Cottan, J.C.; Le Hir, P. (2011). Behaviour of a floc population during a tidal cycle: laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, in: Le Hir, P. et al. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH '07), Brest, France, September 25-28, 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 31(10, Suppl.): pp. S64-S83., more
- Bassoullet, P.; Le Hir, P. (2007). In situ measurements of surficial mud strength: a new vane tester suitable for soft intertidal muds. Cont. Shelf Res. 27(8): 1200-1205, more
- Even, S.; Thouvenin, B.; Bacq, N.; Billen, G.; Garnier, J.; Guezennec, L.; Blanc, S.; Ficht, A.; Le Hir, P. (2007). An integrated modelling approach to forecast the impact of human pressure in the Seine estuary. Hydrobiologia 588(1): 13-29., more
- Le Hir, P.; Monbet, Y.; Orvin, F. (2007). Sediment erodability in sediment transport modelling: Can we account for biota effects? Cont. Shelf Res. 27(8): 1116-1142., more
- Thouvenin, B.; Gonzalez, J.-L.; Chiffoleau, J.-F.; Boutier, B.; Le Hir, P. (2007). Modelling Pb and Cd dynamics in the Seine estuary. Hydrobiologia 588(1): 109-124., more
- Waeles, B.; Le Hir, P.; Lesueur, P.; Delsinne, N. (2007). Modelling sand/mud transport and morphodynamics in the Seine river mouth (France): An attempt using a process-based approach. Hydrobiologia 588(1): 69-82., more
- Bassoullet, P.; Le Hir, P.; Gouleau, D.; Robert, S. (2000). Sediment transport over an intertidal mudflat: Field investigations and estimation of fluxes within the 'Baie de Marennes-Oleron' (France). Cont. Shelf Res. 20(12-13): 1635-1653., more
Le Hir, P.; Roberts, W.; Cazaillet, O.; Christie, M.C.; Bassoullet, P.; Bacher, C. (2000). Characterization of intertidal flat hydrodynamics. Cont. Shelf Res. 20(12-13): 1433-1459, more
- Teisson, C.; Ockenden, M.; Le Hir, P.; Hamm, L. (1993). Cohesive sediment transport processes. Coast. Eng. 21(1-3): 129-162., more
Peer reviewed publications (5) [show] |
- Le Hir, P.; Cayocca, F. (2002). 3D application of the continuous modelling concept to mud slides in open seas, in: Winterwerp, J.C. et al. (Ed.) Fine sediment dynamics in the marine environment. Proceedings in Marine Science, 5: pp. 545-562, more
- Jacinto, R.S.; Le Hir, P. (2001). Response of stratified muddy beds to water waves, in: McAnally, W.H. et al. (Ed.) Coastal and estuarine fine sediment processes. Proceedings in Marine Science, 3: pp. 95-108, more
- Le Hir, P.; Bassoullet, P.; Jestin, H. (2001). Application of the continuous modeling concept to simulate high-concentration suspended sediment in a macrotidal estuary, in: McAnally, W.H. et al. (Ed.) Coastal and estuarine fine sediment processes. Proceedings in Marine Science, 3: pp. 229-249, more
- Sottolichio, A.; Le Hir, P.; Castaing, P. (2001). Modeling mechanisms for the stability of the turbidity maximum in the Gironde estuary, France, in: McAnally, W.H. et al. (Ed.) Coastal and estuarine fine sediment processes. Proceedings in Marine Science, 3: pp. 373-386, more
- Le Hir, P.; Brenon, I.; Thouvenin, B.; Sottolichio, A. (1998). Modélisation du transport de sédiments fins en estuaire: application du logiciel Sam aux estuaires de la Seine, de la Loire et à la Gironde, in: Auger, C. et al. (Ed.) Les estuaires français: évolution naturelle et artificielle: Quel avenir pour leurs zones d'intérêt biologique? = The estuaries of France: natural and artificial change: What is the future for their areas of biological interest?. Actes de Colloques - IFREMER, 22: pp. 272-278, more
Book chapters (8) [show] |
Chapalain, M.; Verney, R.; Fettweis, M.; Le Berre, D.; Jacquet, M.; Le Hir, P. (2019). Floc dynamics at the interface between estuaries and coastal seas from the tidal scale to the seasonal scale, in: 15th international conference on cohesive sediment transport processes 13 – 17 October 2019, Istanbul, Turkey (INTERCOH 2019): abstract book. pp. 90-92, more
Le Hir, P.; Cayocca, F.; Vareilles, J. (2015). Estuarine morphodynamics: simulating schematic configurations with a process-based 3D model with focus on the evolution of tidal marshes under climate change, in: Toorman, E.A. et al. (Ed.) INTERCOH2015: 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Leuven, Belgium, 7-11 September 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 74: pp. 56-57, more
Mengual, B.; Cayocca, F.; Le Hir, P.; Garlan, T.; Laffargue, P. (2015). Physical impacts induced by bottom trawling in the ‘Grande-Vasière’ area (Bay of Biscay), in: Toorman, E.A. et al. (Ed.) INTERCOH2015: 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Leuven, Belgium, 7-11 September 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 74: pp. 76-77, more
Verney, R.; Grasso, F.; Lafon, V.; Mulamba-Guilhemat, E.; Doxaran, D.; Druine, F.; Deloffre, J.; Lemoine, J.P.; Le Hir, P. (2015). Evaluating turbidity maximum patterns and their variability in the Seine Estuary from metrics: associating observations and model results, in: Toorman, E.A. et al. (Ed.) INTERCOH2015: 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Leuven, Belgium, 7-11 September 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 74: pp. 128-129, more
Walther, R.; Le Hir, P.; Cayocca, F. (2015). Evaluation of the effect of climate change on the muddy deposits in the flood plain of the Loire Estuary and on the turbidity maximum (C3E2 Project- French research program), in: Toorman, E.A. et al. (Ed.) INTERCOH2015: 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Leuven, Belgium, 7-11 September 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 74: pp. 130-131, more
- Jacinto, R.S.; Le Hir, P.; Bassoullet, P. (1999). Modélisation mathématique des rejets de dragage, in: Alzieu, C. (Ed.) Dragages et environnement marin: état des connaissances = Dredging and marine environment: state of the art. pp. 149-165, more
- Brenon, I.; Le Hir, P. (1998). Modelling fine sediment dynamics in the Seine estuary: interaction between turbidity patterns and sediment balance, in: Dronkers, J. et al. Physics of estuaries and coastal seas: Proceedings of the 8th International Biennial Conference on physics of estuaries and coastal seas, The Hague, Netherlands 9-12 September 1996. pp. 103-114, more
- Salomon, J.-C.; Thouvenin, B.; Le Hir, P. (1987). Three-dimensional model of currents in the Bay of Seine, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. et al. (Ed.) Three-dimensional models of marine and estuarine dynamics: proceedings of the 18th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 45: pp. 427-440, more
Abstract [show] |
Le Hir, P.; Lesueur, P.; Dupont, J.-P.; Silva Jacinto, R. (2002). Sediment transport in the Seine estuary, in: ECSA Local Meeting: Ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 12, more
Reports (2) [show] |
- Dupont, J.-P.; Guézennec, L.; Lafite, R.; Le Hir, P.; Lesueur, P. (2007). Fine-grained sediment transport of suspended particles. Seine-Aval scientific programme, 4. Éditions Quae/GIP Seine-Aval/IFREMER: Plouzané. ISBN 978-2-7592-00214. 39 pp., more
- Le Hir, P.; Jacinto, R.S. (2007). Currents, waves and tides - water movements. Seine-Aval scientific programme, 2. Éditions Quae/GIP Seine-Aval/IFREMER: Plouzané. ISBN 978-2-7592-0022-1. 31 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Waeles, B.; Le Hir, P. (2007). Tentative de simulation des activites de dragage et de leur impact sedimentaire a l'aide d'une modelisation morphodynamique de l'embouchure de la seine. On Course 129: 5-14, more