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Tim tkint has a biological and Web developping background. He designed and hosts several website like www.MarineTraining.eu, www.EMBRC.eu, www.embric.eu, … | |
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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Evolutionaire Morfologie van de Vertebraten, more
Publications (18) |
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Book [show] |
Brownlie, K.; tkint, T.; Roelofs, M.; Baisnée, P.-F.; Erzini, K.; Cunha, M.; Canario, A.; Deprez, T. (Ed.) (2016). Second Mares Conference: Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, February 1st - 5th 2016, Olhão, Portugal: Abstract book. Ghent University, Marine Biology Research Group/Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), University of Algarve: Ghent, Faro. ISBN 978-94-6197-355-9. 163 pp., more
Abstracts (16) [show] |
Paredes-Coral, E.; Deprez, T.; tkint, T.; Vanblaere, S. (2019). Bridging the gap between skills demand and supply in the maritime and marine sectors: MATES Project, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 74, more
tkint, T.; Roelofs, M.; Verstraeten, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Deprez, T.; Parades Coral, E.; Vanblaere, S.; Meerburg, E. (2019). MarineTraining.eu – Towards tomorrow’s new blue challenges in Europe's Marine and Maritime education landscape, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 53, more
Deprez, T.; Roelofs, M.; Tkint, T.; Withouck, I; De Troch, M. (2018). Join the International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) today!, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 58, more
Deprez, T.; Tkint, T. (2018). Arduino in Marine Sciences: building and controlling sensors for marine research projects, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 45, more
Mascart, T.; Tkint, T.; Roelofs, M.; Verstraeten, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Deprez, T. (2018). MarineTraining.eu - Towards tomorrow's new blue challenges in Europe's Marine and Maritime education landscape, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 49, more
Deprez, T.; Bossier, P.; Cattrijsse, A.; Chiers, K; De Clerck, O.; Decostere, A.; Deneudt, K.; De Troch, M.; Hernandez, F.; Mascart, T.; Moens, T.; Tkint, T.; Vanstappen, G.; Verstraeten, T.; Willems, A.; Vanreusel, A. (2017). EMBRC.be - The Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 28, more
Deprez, T.; Roelofs, M.; Tkint, T.; De Troch, M. (2017). Join the International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) now!, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 29, more
Mascart, T.; Tkint, T.; Roelofs, M.; Verstraeten, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Deprez, T. (2017). MarineTraining.eu - An overview of Europe's marine and maritime education landscape, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 55, more
Mascart, T.; Deprez, T.; Tkint, T.; Deprez, K.; Vyverman, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2017). EMBRIC - The European Blue Bio-Economy cluster for aquaculture and biotechnology innovations, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 56, more
Deprez, T.; Bossier, P.; Cattrijsse, A.; Chiers, K.; De Clerck, O.; Decostere, A.; Deneudt, K.; De Troch, M.; Hernandez, F.; Mascart, T.; Moens, T.; Tkint, T. (2016). EMBRC.be – The Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 49, more
Deprez, T.; Mascart, T.; Tkint, T.; Roelofs, M.; Brownlie, K.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). MarineTraining.eu – The one stop shop for marine and maritime education and training, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 48, more
Deprez, T.; Artois, T.; Bossier, P.; Cattrijsse, A.; Chiers, K.; De Clerck, O.; Decostere, A.; Deneudt, K.; De Troch, M.; Hernandez, F.; Mascart, T.; Moens, T.; Plovie, A.; tkint, T.; Van Stappen, G.; Verstraeten, T.; Willems, A.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). EMBRC.be – The Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 129, more
Mascart, T.; tkint, T.; Roelofs, M.; Vanreusel, A.; Deprez, T. (2016). The Blue training online one-stop-shop platform: MarineTraining.eu, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 135, more
Mascart, T.; tkint, T.; Deprez, T.; Deprez, K.; Vyverman, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). EMBRIC – The European Blue Bio-Economy cluster for aquaculture and biotechnology innovations, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 134, more
Roelofs, M.; Brownlie, K.; Plovie, A.; tkint, T.; Deprez, T. (2016). MBRSea – The upcoming International Master in Marine Biological Resources, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 130, more
Deprez, T.; Kapasakali, D.; Tkint, T.; Vincx, M. (2014). Towards a user-friendly guide for marine education and training, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 51, more
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Deprez, T.; Kapasakali, D.; tkint, T.; Vincx, M. (2014). The EMBRC Training Portal: Towards a user-friendly guide for marine education and training. Poster at the VLIZ Young Scientist's Day 7 March 2014. Ghent University, Biology Department, Marine Biology Section: Gent. 1 poster pp., more