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Deltares; Unit Marine and Coastal Systems; Section Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment (ESA), more
Function: Senior Researcher
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Tel.: +31-(0)15-285 88 83
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Publications (31) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project |
A1 Publications (15) [show] |
Jansen, H.M.; van der Burg, S.W.K.; van Duren, L.A.; Kamermans, P.; Poelman, M.; Steins, N.A.; Timmermans, K.R. (2023). Food for thought: A realistic perspective on the potential for offshore aquaculture in the Dutch North Sea. J. Sea Res. 191: 102323., more
- Bouma, T.J.; Temmerman, S.; van Duren, L.A.; Martini, E.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Callaghan, D.P.; Balke, T.; Biermans, G.; Klaassen, P.C.; van Steeg, R.; Dekker, F.; van de Koppel, J.; Herman, P.M.J.; de Vries, M.B. (2013). Organism traits determine the strength of scale-dependent bio-geomorphic feedbacks: A flume study on three intertidal plant species. Geomorphology (Amst.) 180-181: 57-65., more
- Vandenbruwaene, W.; Temmerman, S.; Bouma, T.J.; Klaassen, P.C.; de Vries, M.B.; Callaghan, D.P.; van Steeg, P.; Dekker, F.; van Duren, L.A.; Martini, E.; Balke, T.; Biermans, G.; Schoelynck, J.; Meire, P. (2011). Flow interaction with dynamic vegetation patches: Implications for biogeomorphic evolution of a tidal landscape. J. Geophys. Res. 116(F1)., more
Troost, K.; Stamhuis, E.J.; van Duren, L.A.; Wolff, W.J. (2009). Feeding current characteristics of three morphologically different bivalve suspension feeders, Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule, in relation to food competition. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(3): 355-372., more
- Bouma, T.J.; van Duren, L.A.; Temmerman, S.; Claverie, T.; Blanco-Garcia, A.; Ysebaert, T.; Herman, P.M.J. (2007). Spatial flow and sedimentation patterns within patches of epibenthic structures: Combining field, flume and modelling experiments. Cont. Shelf Res. 27(8): 1020-1045., more
Bouma, T.J.; van Duren, L.A.; Temmerman, S.; Claverie, T.; Blanco-Garcia, A.; Ysebaert, T.J.; Herman, P.M.J. (2007). Spatial flow and sedimentation patterns within patches of epibenthic structures. Cont. Shelf Res. 27(8): 1020-1045., more
- Friedrichs, M.; Graf, G.; van Duren, L.A. (Ed.) (2006). Exchange processes at the sediment-water interface: contributions by participants of the Second BioFlow Conference. Journal of Sea Research, Spec. Issue 55(1). Elsevier: Amsterdam. 1-85 pp., more
- Friedrichs, M.; Graf, G.; van Duren, L.A. (2006). Bio-fluid-dynamics: exchange processes at the sediment-water interface. J. Sea Res. 55(1): 1-2., more
- Hendriks, I.E.; van Duren, L.A.; Herman, P.M.J. (2006). Turbulence levels in a flume compared to the field: implications for larval settlement studies. J. Sea Res. 55(1): 15-29., more
- Jonsson, P.R.; van Duren, L.A.; Amielh, M.; Asmus, R.; Aspden, R.J.; Daunys, D.; Friedrichs, M.; Friend, P.L.; Olivier, F.; Pope, N.; Precht, E.; Sauriau, P.-G.; Schaaff, E. (2006). Making water flow: a comparison of the hydrodynamic characteristics of 12 different benthic biological flumes. Aquat. Ecol. 40(4): 409-438., more
- van Duren, L.A.; Herman, P.M.J.; Sandee, A.J.J.; Heip, C.H.R. (2006). Effects of mussel filtering activity on boundary layer structure. J. Sea Res. 55(1): 3-14., more
- Hendriks, I.E.; van Duren, L.A.; Herman, P.M.J. (2005). Image analysis techniques: a tool for the identification of bivalve larvae? J. Sea Res. 54(2): 151-162., more
- Hendriks, I.E.; van Duren, L.A.; Herman, P.M.J. (2003). Effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids on reproductive output and larval growth of bivalves. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 296(2): 199-213, more
- van Duren, L.A.; Stamhuis, E.J.; Videler, J.J. (2003). Copepod feeding currents: flow patterns, filtration rates and energetics. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 255-267, more
- van Duren, L.A.; Videler, J.J. (2003). Escape from viscosity: the kinematics and hydrodynamics of copepod foraging and escape swimming. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 269-279, more
Books (2) [show] |
Herman, P.M.J.; Beauchard, O.; van Duren, L.A.; Vloemans, M.; Boon, J. (2014). De staat van de Noordzee 2015. NIOZ/Deltares: Texel. 56 pp., more
- Van den Bergh, E.; van Duren, L.A. (2008). Natuurlijkheid [PPT Presentatie]. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. , more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
van Duren, L.A. (2012). Ecosysteem-versterkende maatregelen, in: VNSC Scheldesymposium, Middelburg, 12 oktober 2012. pp. 53-56, more
- Troost, K.; Stamhuis, E.J.; van Duren, L.A.; Wolff, W.J. (2009). Feeding current characteristics of three morphologically different bivalve suspension feeders, Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule, in relation to food competition, in: Troost, K. Japanse oesters in Nederlandse wateren: oorzaken van hun succes en gevolgen voor inheemse schelpdieren = Pacific oysters in Dutch estuaries: causes of success and consequences for native bivalves. pp. 37-65, more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
van den Heuvel-Greve, M.J.; van Duren, L.A.; Brasseur, S.M.; Middelburg, J.J.; Leonards, P.E.; Zabel, A.K.; Vethaak, A.D. (2009). A novel method in dietary studies using ecotoxicological data, in: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009: A Cruise Through Nice Waters, 25-30 January 2009, Nice, France. pp. 273, more
- Bouma, T.J.; de Vries, M.; Herman, P.M.J.; Low, E.; Peralta, G.; van Duren, L. (2002). Patterns and processes in intertidal vegetation, in: ECSA Local Meeting: Ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 40, more
Reports (6) [show] |
Capelle, J.J.; Blanco, A.; Hartog, E.; Trouwborst, R.E.; Bouma, T.J.; Bertolini, C.; van Duren, L.A.; Wijsman, J.W.M. (2020). Onderzoek naar innovatie en rendementsverbetering mosselproductie: INNOPRO 2017-2019. Wageningen Marine Research: Yerseke. 81 pp., more
van den Bogaart, L.A.; Poelman, M.; Tonk, Linda; Neitzel, S.; van der Wal, J.T.; Coolen, J.W.P.; Machiels, M.; Rozemeijer, M.; De Boois, I.; Vergouwen, S.; van Duren, L.A. (2019). Geschiktheid zeewindparken voor maricultuur en passieve visserij: Een kwalitatieve beoordeling van geschiktheid van windparklocaties voor voedselproductie. Wageningen Marine Research Report, C044/19. Wageningen Marine Research: Yerseke. 76 pp., more
van Duren, L.A.; Reinders, J. (2013). Draagkrachtmodellering vogels. Deltares: [s.l.]. 11 + bijlagen pp., more
van Marlen, B.; VandenBerghe, C.; van Duren, L.A.; de Kleermaeker, S.H.; Keetels, G.H.; Van Urk, R. (2011). Ontwikkeling van de HydroRig. IMARES Wageningen Report, C133/11. IMARES Wageningen UR: IJmuiden. 62 + bijlagen pp., more
van Duren, L.A. (2010). Draagkracht voor vogels. Workshop verslag 13-10-2010. Deltares: Delft. 16 + bijlagen pp., more
van Duren, L.A.; Stolte, W. (2010). Modelling primary production in the Scheldt: workshop report 14 September 2010. Deltares: [s.l.]. 6 pp., more
Other publications (4) [show] |
Van Oorschot, M.M.P.; Stolte, W.; van Duren, L.A. (2011). Algen in het water en op de bodem. Primaire productie modellering in het Schelde estuarium [POSTER], in: VNSC Scheldesymposium 23 juni 2011: VNSC werkt aan de Schelde... Onderzoeken en studies in opdracht van de VNSC. pp. 10, more
Van Ryckegem, G.; van Duren, L.A.; Van den Bergh, E. (2011). Draagkracht vogels in estuarium. Modellen als beleidsondersteunend en onderzoeksinstrument [POSTER], in: VNSC Scheldesymposium 23 juni 2011: VNSC werkt aan de Schelde... Onderzoeken en studies in opdracht van de VNSC. pp. 11, more
Desmit, X.; Los, H.; van Duren, L. (2008). Effects of silt availability on ecology in the Westerschelde. Deltares: [s.l.]. 1 pp., more
van Duren, L.A. (2008). Stroomsnelheidsmetingen in ondiepe gebieden [POSTER]. Deltares: [s.l.]. , more