Temporal changes of the thermohaline circulation in the equatorial Atlantic ocean during the last glacial - interglacial period: an analysis with micropalaeontological and geochemical proxies |
Dutch title: De temporele wijzigingen van de thermohaliene circulatie in het equatoriaal Atlantisch gebied tijdens het laatste glaciaal-interglaciaal: een analyse aan de hand van micropalaeontological and geochemical proxies
Period: January 2005 till October 2009 Status: Completed
Thesaurus terms Climate; Coccoliths; Dinoflagellates; Micropalaeontology; Tropics
Institute |
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- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Geologie; Afdeling Mineralogie en Petrologie, more, partner
Abstract |
The detection of the variation in the heat transfer during the last 130.000 years relies on time series with high resoution of the sea surface temperatures from the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. The research comprises the dating of the temporal variations during the last 130.000 years of the thermohaline circulation in that area through a palaeoproductivity analysis. |